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What is a Collaborative?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Collaborative?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Collaborative?
Diana Dowdle Campaign Manager 20,000 Days Campaign

2 What is a Collaborative?
Brings together groups of practitioners to work in a structured way to improve aspects of the quality of their service. Involves meetings to learn about: best practice in the area chosen quality methods change ideas share their experiences of making changes in local settings Ovretreit et al. (2002)

3 Collaborative Components
5 essential features A specified topic Clinical and Quality Improvement experts Multi-professional teams from multiple sites Model for improvement with clear & measurable targets Series of structured activities - Schouten et al. BMJ 2008 3

4 IHI Breakthrough Series Model
Select Topic Expert Meetings Identify Change Concepts Pre work LS 1 P S A D LS 2 Holding the Gains Spread LS 3 Collaborative Teams Supports: s/ visits/ reports/ sponsors / meetings/ assessments / conference calls

5 Success factors “Ripe topic” ....tension exists to improve it
Clear charter/aims/ targets Teams have will & resources Sponsors involved Fluid boundaries for roles Knowledge & skills in topic area Action oriented – lots of testing - PDSA

6 Success factors Measurement system that connects testing to tracking progress Understand systems of care Great Learning Sessions Robust Actions Periods Good communication systems Oversight –tracking progress/participation/shared learning

7 Campaign CollaborativeTeams

8 Why Do Collaboratives work?
Networked community effects Effective, horizontal pathways Supported by the Model Connected by the Model Forms a community (Learning Sessions) Reframes a social problem Owned by teams/ frontline staff/sectors

9 Why Do Collaboratives work?
Uses multiple interventions to change practice Empowers everybody Resets norms and rituals Puts the patient & families in the centre of care Uses data as a disciplinary force

10 20,000 Days Campaign Dashboard May 2012
Comments: Cumulative bed day saving as at 31st of May is 5921. Comments: The graph shows the difference between the Predicted and actual cumulative bed days. Comments: There were no Dot days in May. The last Dot day was on 03/04/2012 Dashboard Summary: Cumulative bed day saving of 5921 is a reflection of the difference between actual bed day usage and the predicted growth. This is reflection of the system as whole. All graphs show normal variation 20,000 Days Campaign Dashboard May 2012 Comments: Admissions are stable and only normal variation exists. Comments: Unplanned readmissions are stable and only normal variation exists. Comments: Comments: Comments: ALOS is stable and only normal variation exists. Version: 1.0 Dated: 18/06/2012 Contacts Campaign Manager : Diana Dowdle Clinical Leader: David Grayson Improvement Advisor: Ian Hutchby & Prem Kumar

11 Model for Improvement Act Plan Study Do
What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What change can we make that will result in improvement Model for Improvement Act Plan Study Do Improvement Guide, Chapter 1, p.24 Appendix C, p. 454

12 Why do collaboratives work?
Uses “quality” improvement model Is there a problem? How big is the problem? Look how we solved the problem Is the problem under control? Increases accountability at all levels Without supervision Rewards community membership Enables wider community

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