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Chapter 9 Preview Chapters 7 & 8 Review.

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1 Chapter 9 Preview Chapters 7 & 8 Review

2 Ch. 7: Social and Emotional Development in I/T -- Review
Erikson Basic Trust vs. Mistrust (b-1) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (1-3) Emotional Development Temperament Attachment Self-Development

3 Ch. 7: Emotional Development
Define the term basic emotions and provide several examples. What is a social smile and when does it develop? The most frequent expression of fear in infancy is to unfamiliar adults, a response called ________________________________________. ________________________ is when infants actively seek emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.     Strategies we use to adjust our emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity so we can accomplish our goals are referred to as ____________________.

4 Ch. 7: Temperament What is temperament?
List and describe at least five of the dimensions of personality outlined in Thomas and Chess’s model of temperament. List and describe the three temperamental types that have emerged from the work of Thomas and Chess. True or False: All children fit into one of the three categories of temperament described above. Describe the goodness-of-fit model and explain in importance in encouraging positive development.

5 Ch. 7: Attachment Define attachment.
According to Bowlby’s Ethological Theory of Attachment, why did infant’s emotional tie to their caregiver evolve? Babies display __________________, becoming upset when an adult upon which they rely on leaves. It tends to increase between 6 and 15 months. The ____________________________ technique, designed by Mary Ainsworth, is the most widely used technique for measuring the quality of the attachment between 1 and 2 years of age. What four attachment patterns have been identified using Ainsworth’s technique?

6 Ch. 8: Physical Development in Early Childhood -- Review
General growth pattern and asynchronies in growth Brain growth and development Influences on physical growth and health Nutrition in early childhood Health and safety in childhood Gross and fine motor development

7 Chapter 8: General Growth & Brain Growth
Describe the pattern of the general growth curve during early childhood. What areas of growth don’t follow the general pattern? Which is most influential to physical growth in early childhood, nature or nurture? Explain your answer. Between 2 and 6 years of age, the brain increases from ______ to _______ percent of its adult weight. The (right / left) hemisphere is especially active between 3 and 6 years of age and then levels off; in contrast, activity in the (right / left) hemisphere increases steadily throughout early and middle childhood.

8 Chapter 8: Health and Nutrition
What is the leading cause of childhood mortality? What are some causes of inadequate immunization in the United States? T/F It’s a good idea to force young children to eat new foods. What are some ways to encourage good nutrition in young children?

9 Ch. 8: Motor Development  As children’s bodies become more streamlined and less top-heavy, their center of gravity shifts downward, and as a result, ________________ improves greatly, paving the way for new motor skills involving the large muscles of the body. To parents, fine motor development is most apparent in what two areas? True or False: Preschoolers exposed to formal lessons in motor skills are generally ahead in motor development?

10 Ch. 8 Quiz

11 Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood -- Preview
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage Vygotsky’s theory Information Processing approach Theory of Mind Early Literacy and Mathematical Development Mental development Early childhood care Language development

12 Chapter 9 Quiz

13 Chapter 9 Quiz, Con’t

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