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Date of download: 11/13/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

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1 Date of download: 11/13/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Experimental Investigation of Cavitation Behind a Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flow J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. 2017;9(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Snapshot of the bottom view of cavitating wake indicative of the extent of cavity at different cavitation number: (a) σ/σi=0.85, (b) σ/σi=0.80, (c) σ/σi=0.68, (d) σ/σi=0.58, (e) σ/σi=0.54, and (f) σ/σi=0.50. Flow is from right to left. Images were captured at 1000 frames/s.

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