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Presentation on theme: "SUSTAINABLE RURAL COMMUNITY RESILIENCY"— Presentation transcript:

CANTERA – Center for Communication and Popular Education OpenIDEO 2017 Planet, Prosperity, and Peace Faced with high rates of violence against women, women and men work towards Gender Equity in home, work, and education. Popular Education presents horizontal teaching methods promoting the community’s dream for its sustainable development. Agroecology’s environmentally friendly production techniques improve food security, increase family income, and strengthen resilience to climate change. Leadership is strengthened through a holistic education model which includes gender equity, self-care, self-esteem, non-violence, and spirituality workshops. At the local level, Community Organizing supports community rights through critical analysis and the Train the Trainer model. GUIDING PRINCIPLES HAND-IN-HAND WITH CANTERA YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 COMMUNITY AUTONOMY Analyze context and challenges Continue to take steps towards community goals Rural Youth Leaders Network Created Community Promoters facilitate workshops they participate in Community Promoters facilitate steps to achieve community goals Community Promoters train farmers in Agroecology and lead Human Values workshops Popular Education Methodology for completeing goals cotinually led by Community Promoters Gender Equity, Leadership, Non-Violence and Agroecology workshops regurally facilitated by Community Promoters Community Promoters learn and demonstrate agroecology practices and teach other community farmers Gender Equity, Leadership, and Community Advocacy Workshops for Rural Youth Leaders Participants identify a vision for their future Propose solutions to challenge to achieve goals Farm Administration & Commercialization workshops Add products to seed banks, establish as cooperatives Train to Trainer model implemented Strengthen seed Banks Communities, led by Community Promoters, develop plan for autonomous development in the future Advancement in sustainable development limited with 4 years of drought Success and stability in established seed banks Introduce cooperative products in creative markets Create network of cooperatives across Nicaragua Coopertative strengthens position in market Coopertative expands in market Investigate creative market opportunities CANTERA workshops strengthen Community Promoters’ commitment to sustainable development in their communities. In CANTERA workshops, Community Promoters analyze their context--economic, familial, environmental and community instability--and then commit to solutions they see feasible. Alongside CANTERA, Community Promoters begin to facilitate workshops on agroecology, gender equity, nonviolence and leadership for the whole community. CANTERA oversees and gives advice as Community Promoters appropriate the role of workshop facilitators and autonomous community leaders. Community Promoters autonomously continue workshops in their communities, holistically adapting them to constantly evolving challenges. Community Promoters take Agroecology Courses and, with CANTERA, teach techniques to develop community resilience to climate change. Community Promoters learn about and put into practice gender equity, self-esteem, self care, leadership, and spirituality. CANTERA Guidance devlops well-rounded leaders. Cooperative promotes resource stability, community accountability, equal access to resources, and peaceful coexistence. Communities analyze dream articulated two years ago, revise action steps based on current reality, and create a future plan for community work without CANTERA’s guidance. Community Cooperatives create equal access to capital, increases production, and guarantees food security in the face of increasingly unpredictable climate patterns. Despite unpredictable weather patterns, seed banks succeed in maintaining a level of Community farming production. Addressing the holistic person strengthens all aspects of the community’s dream for stability. Individual prosperity can be achieved when community prosperity is. Women and men commit to equality between genders and practice this side-by-side leading workshops and running the cooperative. Cooperative promotes mutual support across the country, maximizing economic stability during climate change. Cooperatives’ presence in new, creative market fills farm-to-table niche in Nicaragua, securing community income. 5 COMMUNITIES 100 FAMILIES OF 8 MEMBERS 30 PROMOTERS PLANET PROSPERITY PEACE+ POPULAR EDUCATION MODEL NON-LINEAR, TIME-BASED OBJECTIVES LINEAR OBJECTIVES PARTICIPANTS SYMOBLS HOLISTIC, INTERCONNECTED PROCESSES ANALYZE GENDER EQUITY REFLECT ACT COMMIT


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