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Jurnal de proiect M. Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal, CEIP La Angostura, Spain Camelia Hoara, Scoala Nr. 172 " Sf. Andrei", Romania Daniela Masoud, Scoala Nr.

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Presentation on theme: "Jurnal de proiect M. Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal, CEIP La Angostura, Spain Camelia Hoara, Scoala Nr. 172 " Sf. Andrei", Romania Daniela Masoud, Scoala Nr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jurnal de proiect M. Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal, CEIP La Angostura, Spain Camelia Hoara, Scoala Nr. 172 " Sf. Andrei", Romania Daniela Masoud, Scoala Nr. 172 " Sf. Andrei", Romania Roxana Sima, Scoala Nr.172 "Sf. Andrei", Romania

2 Initierea proiectului si obtinerea certificatului

3 Welcome! M. Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal
Welcome friends of the Earth! In this project we´ll enjoy  and learn with our natural environment, we´ll find out as many Earth friendly actions as possible and exchange our natural processes, weather and cultural events related to seasons with schools in partner countries. Good luck!

4 ETWINNING 5TH ANIVERSARY Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal
Dear partners, To celebrate this special event I´ve created a wall where you or your children can post any comment or wish. Please use this link: Best wishes!

5 Earth Day 2010 Secondary school Vicho Grancharov – Bulgaria Vanya Hristova
International Earth Day (known as Earth Day) is celebrated annually on 22 April. On this day many countries, urge people to feel like a community to defend peace on the planet and keep the earth beautiful scenery. By tradition this year III students in "saw that day. They painted pictures on the theme "Safe Earth and its water. At the time of the class held talks on "What can we do to celebrate every day Earth Day?". All are united around the idea that small things everyone can do in their daily lives if we are consuming less and honor to the planet, will help keep it from destruction. "Armed with gloves and plastic bags, they cleaned the area of school waste. Their bags are filled with all kinds of things - from cigarettes, paper from candy and snacks to plastic and glass bottles. A real find for them was mobifonat that found in the garden around the school

6 Planting tree! School No.172 St. Andrew Bucharest
21 May was a special day for romanian students. They were planting trees in school's garden!

7 Dear partners SPAIN ROMANIA

8 Friends of Earth Daniela Masoud Camelia Hoara
Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal

9 Adventure in nature School No.172 St. Andrew Bucharest
In this holiday,romanian students were in camp to District Zarnesti, Piatra Craiului Mountains. In that camp, children learn many interesting things about survival,courage and friendship.

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