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Presentation on theme: "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF VARNA LAKE REGION"— Presentation transcript:


2 The main goal of the Municipal Development Plan is to offer a general frame and a list of tangible activities for sustainable and integrated development at the local level. Varna Municipal Plan is a working document, uniting aims and goals, as well as ways of reaching them, fully coordinated with the regional strategy of Varna Region and actual master plans.

3 a zone of prevailing social character
INTEGRATED PLAN OF THE CITY RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF VARNA – 2020 AREAS OF IMPACT Where: a zone of prevailing social character a potential of economic development a zone of a great public importance

4 The main factor for spatial development of Varna from the sea coast towards the inland of the country was the agglomeration Varna – Devnya, formed in 1965 – 1975, which exploits the natural link between the two cities through Varna Lake.

5 CLIMATE The Black Sea coastal zone is characterised by a comparatively mild winter, cool spring, hot summer, warm autumn and almost equally distributed rainfall throughout the year. Continental parts of the region enjoy dry and cold winters and hot summers with periods of typical summer drought, that define the necessity of watering the agricultural lands. The average annual temperature of the region is 13.4º C. There is no average monthly temperatures below zero. A long warm autumn is a prerequisite for a longer tourist season. Specific climatic conditions are due to micro embossing features of the terrain and the Black Sea. The sea influence is felt up to 12 – 13 km inland, at some places even further. An example of this is Varna Lake, the “sea-lake” canal, as well as the slopes of Franga ad Avren plateaus, descending to the valley by the sea. The climate and natural conditions together create favourable potential for development of industry, commerce, tourism and communications in the region.

6 WATER RESOURCES The largest water basin in Varna Region is Varna Lake. Up to 1909 Varna Lake was a closed firth, which was then enlarged by a 5 km artificial canal. In 1979 a new canal to the sea was dug up. The overall length of the lake is 13 km, 8,5 km of which are in the borders of the region. The average width of the lake is 1,2 km, average depth is 9,8 m, but the maximum one is 19 m. It covers the area of 17,4 square km. The canal is of great importance for the economy of the municipality. The lake contains pure fresh water in the surface layer as well as underground such, which are used to supply the settlements in the region. It provides enough technological water for industrial enterprises in the Varna – Beloslav – Devnya agglomeration and water for irrigated agriculture.

7 . The fauna richness in the region is mainly based on Via Pontica – the second largest European migration route of waterfowl, raptors and song birds. There are two wetland zones with the international conservation status – Varna Lake and the Kamchiya. Rock formations of the plateaus are not only picturesque views, but are also natural protection of raptors. Rich net of protected conservation territories represent significant potential for development of route-cognitive, ecotourism and other forms of alternative tourism.


9 Siya Neykova rowing club is located on Varna Lake bank and covers an area of 17 ha. It houses boat sheds, an indoor rowing pool, strength training room and fitness room. The facilities are designed for training of high class sportsmen and exercising of academic rowing. Under the guidance of highly qualified coaches, the club produced some Olympic and world champions and many medal winners. On a new programme was launched – Basic training in academic rowing, organised by the municipality of Varna. The programmed is developed for children and teenagers of 11 to 16 years old. A candidate has the right to take part in two courses of training. The programme is free. Buildings of the club are to be renovated and fully reconstructed in the next few years.

10 Fishing is a traditional popular leisure activity in Bulgaria
Fishing is a traditional popular leisure activity in Bulgaria. In the first half of the XX century fishing took place in natural water basins only. However, places for fishing gradually grew in number thanks to the newly constructed dams in the second half of the century. Dams used to be populated with species from natural ichtiophauna and the ones produced through artificial restocking. Varna Lake provides the locals with rather a rich diversity of species and is a favourite place to spend a quiet weekend. Amateur fishing has become one of the most popular leisure activities in the area. Amateur fishing is allowed only with a ticket – an official permission. Plans of sustainable development of Varna Lake include financial support for aquaculture farms and providing of necessary equipment and facilities amateur fishermen look for.

11 Fishing and hunting tourism are the new prerogatives in Varna Region sustainable plans.

12 Varna Canal Cup Regatta is a part of regatta chain for rankings in class IRC and aims at becoming a traditional international race in the canal the sea- Varna Lake.

13 General tendencies in sustainable development of Varna Region and Varna Lake
Tourism has a positive impact on the local social and culture systems. 1. Favourable natural conditions for sea holiday tourism and health tourism – climate, beaches, spa; 2. Favourable geographical location for international tourism; 3. Comparatively well-preserved environment; 4. Important cultural and historical resources for development of route-cognitive tourism.


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