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Attribute-Based Access for Multi-Dimensional Databases

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1 Attribute-Based Access for Multi-Dimensional Databases
컴퓨터이론 및 보안 연구실 박사과정 1학기 용승림

2 Summary of the invention(I)
Object To emulate a multi-dimensional database using a relational database To allow maintaining attribute data in the relational database for dimensions in the multi-dimensional database To access data from the relational database based on the attribute data Abstract와 같은 내용 + 이 내용

3 Summary of the invention(II)
Multi-dimensional database relational database에서의 relational schema 로 표현 하나 이상의 member를 가진 하나 이상의 dimension Value : 각 dimension member 들의 조합에 의해 유일하게 참조

4 Summary of the invention(III)
relational schema 하나의 fact table 연관된 여러 개의 dimension table fact table dimension column 하나의 dimension을 제외한 모든 dimension value column 나머지 한 dimension의 각 member


6 Relational schema Time Product Dimension table row for each member
attribute column hold member information Product Fact table Dimension column value column Measure

7 Detailed Description

8 Description Relational Database Structure
a structure for storing multi-dimensional data Star schema Fact table & non-anchor dimension table : star joins all of members of anchor dim. Fact table

9 Relational Database Structure
non-anchor dimension TIME Member Identifier PRODUCT Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Member Name Member Name anchor dimension Fact Table MEASURES Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Relational Member Name Member Name

10 Description Fact table Dimension table
Dimension column : non-anchor dim. table Value column : members of anchor dim. Table Dimension table MemberName User-entered name for each member RelMemberName only used in anchor dimension table contain valid relational column names

11 Description RelMemberId MemberId
contain Identifying number to access data in the relational DB used to join the dimension table to the fact table MemberId identifying number allocated to the member by Essbase used to access multi-dimensional data stored in dense data blocks

12 Accessing Multi-dimensional Data
Represent a multi-dimensional DB as a Relational schema Receive a sparse index key identifying MemberID used to access data in the multi-dimensional DB Map the identified MemberID to RelMemberID Used to access data in the relational DB Retrieve data from relational DB Join selected dimension tables with the fact table using the mapped RelMemberID

13 Attribute-based access
Essbase allow one of more arbitrary labels to be associated with members Labels : UDA(user defined attributes) Present invention Provide a means to associate attribute with dimension each attribute – column of dimension Define attribute values attribute values – stored in attribute columns

14 Associating attribute and values
Product (UDA: “RelCol: COLOR CHAR(10) ”) A(+) (UDA: “RelVal: COLOR=‘Red’ ”) B(+) (UDA: “RelVal: COLOR=‘White’ ”) C(+) (UDA: “Blue”) RelCol : associated with a dimension-level member COLOR : attribute name CHAR(10) : data type and length RelVal : associated with its values

15 Structure for storing attribute data
TIME Member Identifier PRODUCT Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Member Name Member Name Color Attribute Fact Table MEASURES Member Identifier Relational Member Identifier Relational Member Name Member Name

16 Steps Define a multi-dimensional database
Specify a relational schema from the defined multi-dimensional database Associate one or more attributes with dimension Associate attribute values with members of dimensions Creating a RDB based on the specified relational schema Retrieve data from RDB based on an associated attribute

17 Conclusion emulate a multi-dimensional database using a relational database maintains attribute data in the relational database for dimensions in the multi-dimensional database access data from the relational database based on the attribute data

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