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Consolidated Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)

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Presentation on theme: "Consolidated Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consolidated Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP)
English Learner Component Alignment of the Budgets: CCIP and BAAS 2% Indirect Cost

2 English Learner Component


4 Alignment of Budgets There needs to be alignment between the budget in CCIP, the budget chart uploaded, and the financial BAAS system.


6 Title III Budget and Staff Charts

7 2% Cap Indirect Costs If there are funds indicated for indirect cost in BAAS, then this must be indicated in the CCIP under question #4 in Grant Details Indirect costs will be used to supplement the costs required  to house and process the Title III funds North Carolina had a federal audit finding regarding indirect cost

8 PRC 104 and 111 Grant Details Monitoring
PRC 104 English Language Acquisition 1. English Learner (EL) Plan 3116 (b)(5) 2. Supplement, Not Supplant 3115 (g) 3. Research-based Professional Development (PD) 3115 (c)(2) 4. Administrative Expenses 3115 (b) 5. English Learner Programs 3116 (b)(1) 6. Standards 3116 (d)(4) 7. Parental Involvement 3116 (b)(4) PRC 111 Significant Increase in Immigrant Youth Allowable Purposes for Title III funds to serve immigrant children and youth (e) (1) Allowable Title III funded activities for services to immigrant children and youth (e) (1). Immigrant Program Monitoring

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