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Midsummer Night’s Dream Design Project

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1 Midsummer Night’s Dream Design Project

2 Prompt Students will complete and turn in a portfolio of designs for Midsummer Night’s Dream in any time period they choose but the original. Portfolios must be held in a folder. Each portfolio will include 3 costume designs, 1 set design, 1 publicity design, and 1 full page written statement (typed) about their designs. Portfolios are due Thursday Feb. 2nd Portfolios will be a Test/Performance Grade

3 Costume Design – 30 points
Students will choose 3 different costumes of characters from Midsummer Night’s Dream. Costumes may be used by 3 different characters, 3 different costumes worn by the same character, or some mix of the above. Designs need to be neat, in color, and done carefully so that the intended message/theme is delivered by the design.


5 Set Design – 20 points Students will create a set rendering for their production of Midsummer Night’s Dream. The set must make sense for the play as well as the student’s chosen setting. It must work on stage. (Example: if your chosen setting is modern day San Antonio, don’t draw the skyline. That isn’t a set, that’s a backdrop.) Designs need to be neat, in color, and done carefully so that the intended message/theme is delivered by the design.


7 Publicity Design – 20 points
Students will create a poster design for their production of Midsummer Night’s Dream. The poster needs to include What the title of the play is, where the play is taking place, when the play is taking place, who wrote the show and who is producing the show, and how to get tickets. This information may be made up by you. Designs need to be neat, in color, and done carefully so that the intended message/theme is delivered by the design.


9 Written Statement – 30 points
Students will write a 1 page / 12 point font, typed statement on their design. The written statement must answer the following questions: What is the concept of your play? How does this concept fit the themes of Midsummer Night’s Dream? How is this concept apparent in your design?

10 Project Rubric Costume Design 30 points Set Design 20 points
Publicity Design Written Statement Projects must be turned in using a folder portfolio. 10 Points will be deducted from projects that are not collected in this way. Extra Credit will be given to students who turn in “research images” with their projects. Research images are images that you use to help you in your design. (For example: If you decide to put Midsummer Night’s Dream in colonial America, than pictures of 3 corner hats would be research images. You will get 3 points per image, up to 15 points.)

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