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MAT B Harlem Renaissance WebQuest Beth Lloyd

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1 MAT-675 2.2B Harlem Renaissance WebQuest Beth Lloyd

2 Harlem Renaissance WebQuest
Ms. LLoyd

3 About WebQuest Harlem Renaissance- Create a Media Presentation that represents the Artists of The Harlem Renaissance California Standard History Describe the Harlem Renaissance and new trends in literature, music, and art, with special attention to the work of writers (e.g., Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes).

4 Task - You are a group of journalists and photographers assigned to the New York Times. Your assignment is to create a presentation that depicts Harlem Renaissance. You must write about the contributions of an artist, writer or musician. The choice is your you may create a multimedia presentation, a poster depicting Harlem with a write up attached, create a skit or short play that depicts the heartbeat of Harlem. Your group must answer the following questions as you do your WebQuest: What do you think caused the Harlem Renaissance to happen after WWI? Which African Americans do you think influenced the Harlem Renaissance the most in professions of poetry and music? Why do you think Jazz became so popular during this period? Pick an Artist and explain how that person made an impact on the world through his/her art/music/writing?

5 Process Your group will decide what format you would like your final presentation to be in.  Here are five choices if you have another idea please run it by Ms. Lloyd for approval: Multimedia presentation depicting Harlem and an artist/musician/ writer of the time Art exhibit depicting Harlem and an artist/musician/ writer of the time 1920's style newspaper front page with articles depicting Harlem and an artist/musician/ writer of the time Video on Harlem that your team made depicting Harlem and an artist/musician/ writer of the time Create a skit or short play depicting Harlem and an artist/musician/ writer of the time

6 Resources Check out these Websites to help in your search.
A Guide to Harlem Renaissance Materials ( ml and-poets.html

7 Evaluation Each member will contribute to the project. Ensure that all of your names are on the project. There will be a separate grade for each person. Rubric will be handed out in class

8 Conclusion As reporters, you all did a great job of uncovering the many talented artist, writers, and musicians that were influential in the Harlem Renaissance. I encourage youto read more of Langston Hughes or Zora Neal Thurston.

9 Reference

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