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Presentation on theme: "JESUS HAS COME TO CALL SINNERS"— Presentation transcript:

John 2:1-11 Key Verse 2:11 “On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’”

2 People of Courageous Faith (1-4)
Focus on teaching the word of God, for the word of God heals far more than just the body. Never ignore those paralyzed in sin, but trust in Jesus who can heal even the worst cases. Work together in unity to overcome every obstacle. Have a sense of urgency and courage, realizing the importance of bringing a person to Jesus.

3 Jesus Our Healer (5-12) Focus first on the root problem: the sin problem. Sin is like paralysis: it keeps us from obeying God as we hide in fear and despair. It keeps us from having a courageous life of mission. Yet Jesus saves. With our repentance, he forgives and heals. Us: Jesus Gives: Repentance + Faith  Forgiveness + Healing

4 Jesus Our Healer (5-12) Only Christ Jesus paid the price for our sins—not Buddha, not Confucius, not Mohammed, not ourselves, but only Jesus. Jesus called the name “Son.” Those forgiven are adopted into God’s heavenly family. Praise the Lord for his wonderful miracles that happen even today!

5 The Joy of Following Jesus (13-17)
Levi was a despised tax collector. He had sought after money, but found no happiness there. Levi was longing for his purpose in life but felt paralyzed. He was longing for restored relationship. No one would go to Levi, but Jesus did, and we are called to love like Jesus. Our purpose is to help others to follow Christ. With Christ’s forgiveness and healing, we are set free to live a new and joyful life.

6 Conclusion We have all been paralyzed in sin, but Jesus has come to save. In Jesus we find forgiveness of sins, the solution to our root problem. Act in courageous faith that overcomes obstacles. Be people who plant the hope of God in the hearts of many. Reach out to those despised and rejected, and point them to the new life of following Jesus. Take joy and celebrate your new life in Christ.

7 Prayer Topics and Announcements
That we may lead others to Jesus for healing, that they may start a new life following Jesus’ call. Pastor Paul & Missionary Naomi’s trip to visit Joseph at West Point and JaEun’s trip to San Francisco. Peter’s complete healing. God’s deliverance to be with those suffering from the flooding in China and Pakistan. The word of God to come with power throughout the world.


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