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Hip, Thigh, and Pelvis Gilbert High School.

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1 Hip, Thigh, and Pelvis Gilbert High School

2 Anatomy Bones – Femur Pelvis (Made up of the COCCYX, ISCHIUM, and the PUBIS) Muscles – Quads, Hamstrings, IT band, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Gluteus medius, Gluteus maximus, Sartorius, Gracilis, Adductor group, and Piriformis





7 Myositis Ossificans Cause: Severe blow or repeated blows to the thigh
S/S: Slowly develops. Pain and tenderness over area, hard object felt in muscle. TX: Immediate treatment of contusions ***Ice quads with full flexion Conservative if been around for a while. Surgery may be an option. ST: Pain upon palpation, MRI, X-ray


9 Quadricep Strain Cause: Sudden stretching or sudden contraction
S/S: Point tender, swelling, deformity, discoloration, weakness in knee extension TX: RICE strengthening exercises stretching when appropriate ST: Pain with ROM test, Strength test

10 Hamstring Strain Cause: Not entirely known. Speculated, a quick change of knee stabilization to extension of the hip. S/S: Pain, swelling, discoloration, deformity TX: RICE Exercise (Isokinetic great here) stretching when appropriate ST: mmt

11 Acute Femoral Fracture
Cause: A great force or direct hit S/S: Deformity, shortened thigh, loss of thigh function, pain and pt. tenderness, swelling “Sounds like gun going off” TX: See a MD immediately. Must be fixed or could be devastating to the athlete ST: Pain with ROM test, Strength test


13 Groin Strain Cause: Overextension of the adductors.
S/S: Appear as a sudden twinge or feeling of tearing during movement, or not felt until end of activity. TX: RICE (Wrap for activity) Rehabilitation stretch when appropriate ST: Pain with ROM, Strength test

14 Hip Flexor Strain MOI: Forceful flexion motion of the hip
S/S: Pain with hip flexion, deformity, swelling TX: RICE (Wrap for activity) rehabilitation ST: Thomas test, ROM test, strength test

15 Hip Pointer Cause: A blow to the iliac crest
S/S: Pain, spasms, and transitory paralysis of soft structures. Discoloration also evident. TX: RICE Cover with hard pad ST: ROM test, X-RAY (rule of fx)

16 Sacroilliac (SI) Joint
MOI: Sprain to the ligaments surrounding the joint, forceful extension/flexion S/S: Pain in the low back, radiates down to hip, offset feeling TX: Pain control, abdomen strengthening, alignment ST: SLR Test, FABER/Patrick’s, Pelvic compression/Distraction,

17 IT Band Syndrome MOI: Repetitive movement of IT band over greater trochanter. S/S: Pain, inflammation, popping sensation, tightness TX: RICE, NSAIDs, stretching ST: Ober’s test

18 Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Avascular Necrosis of the head of the femur S/S: Limping, Referred pain to the abdomen or knee TX: Complete bed rest, brace to avoid FWB Complications: If not treated properly the head of the femur will become ill shaped

19 Stress Fractures MOI: (distance runners) Repetitive cyclical forces. S/S: Groin pain and aching sensation in thigh that increases with activity TX: RICE, Rest for 2-5 months

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