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Presentation on theme: "RBHeys‘UvRTg;seRgÁaH"— Presentation transcript:

1 RBHeys‘UvRTg;seRgÁaH
6-7017 RBHeys‘UvRTg;seRgÁaH Jesus Saves

2 1-eyIg ´ B¤ dMNwg d¾ l¥ RBH eys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH
pSay dMNwg enaH eday GMNr RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH naM eTA R)ab; dl; RKb; TaMg Rsuk RtUv qab; eLIg kal Gñk enA rs; eTA enH Bakü>>>RBHGgÁ bgÁab;>> RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH . 1-We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Onward this our Lord’s command;

3 2-cUr R)ab; Ek,r Tenø nUv PñM RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH
R)ab; TaMg ekµg TaMg Gñk cas;TMu RBHeysU‘v RTg; seRgÁaH KYr eRcog bT sresIr RBHGgÁ Edl RTg; eR)as [ rYc BI eTas cUr [ Gñk>>TaMg Gs; eRcog pg RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH . 2-Waft is on the rolling tide; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell to sings all around: sing, ye islands of the sea; Echo back ye ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee:

4 3-RtUv bnWø>>sMelg eRcog fa RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH
RTg; Rslaj; ehIy eR)as emtþa RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH ebI kalNa Gñk ekIt RBYycitþ enaH man Et eRcog bT BIeraH>> ehIy rB¤k>>KuN RTg; GaNit RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH . 3-Sing above the battle strife, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By His death and endless life, Sing it softly through the groom, When the heart for mercy craves; Sing in triumph o’er the tomb,

5 4-KYr beB©aj eTA tam Gakas RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH
[ RKb; sasn¾ )an dwg Cak;c,as; RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH [ RKb; mnusS )an rIkray eLIg » BYk Gñk Edl RTg; )an elaH cUrbnWø>>>sresIr dMekIg RBHeys‘Uv RTg; seRgÁaH . 4-Gives the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice, Shout salvation full and free; Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory

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