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SEF Domain & Aspect: Nature  Culture

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1 SEF Domain & Aspect: Nature  Culture
Deep Thoughts- SEF - Culture SEF Domain & Aspect: Nature  Culture Moving to the Nature domain of our strategic execution framework, (revisit here) we will address culture. If we ranked all the aspects of the SEF, purpose would be #1 and culture would likely follow as #2. Culture is easy to mess up and almost impossible to change once it has solidified. We strive to develop a culture that makes our business feel like a family while building a factory of disciplined forward-thinkers and leaders who are proud of where they work and indispensable to their clients. We will aggressively (and we mean aggressively) avoid the many layers of bureaucracy found in larger organizations that only creates frustration. By hiring the right people who are disciplined, take initiative, and want to lead, then caring about those employees as real people, Fathom 4’s culture will actually build itself. There is a great quote (Jim Collins – Good to Great ) about how to screw this up: “Most companies build their bureaucratic rules to manage the small percentage of wrong people on the bus, which in turn drives away the right people on the bus, which then increases the percentage of wrong people on the bus, which increases the need for more bureaucracy to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline, which then further drives the right people away, and so forth.” Fathom 4 can become an increasingly fulfilling and meaningful place to work if we ensure we are developing the environment for a great culture. If we get the right people on the bus and get them in the right seats, we will continue to be unstoppable. Reason

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