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Introduction to Coordinate Grid

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1 Introduction to Coordinate Grid

2 Coordinate Grid Coordinate grid: (a.k.a. coordinate plane or Cartesian plane) A grid with a horizontal and vertical line both in numbered order starting at 0

3 Axes The horizontal and vertical lines on a coordinate grid have special names The horizontal line is called the x axis The vertical line is called the y axis

4 Ordered Pairs Ordered Pair: a pair of numbers that describes a point on a coordinate grid Write ordered pairs with the x (horizontal) coordinate first and the y (vertical) coordinate second (x, y) = (horizontal, vertical) Ex: (3, 5) means right 3, up 5 Origin: the point where the x and y axes meet; the point (0,0) IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT X IS ALWAYS FIRST!

5 Plotting Points When we locate a point on a grid it is called plotting a point. Ex: 1) Plot the point (7, 3) on the grid 2) Plot the point (1, 9) on the grid 3) Plot the point (4, 8) on the grid 4) Plot the point (6, 0) on the grid

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