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Suheel Ahmad*; D K Verma*, J P Singh**and P K Ghosh**

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Suheel Ahmad*; D K Verma*, J P Singh**and P K Ghosh** *Indian Grassland & Fodder Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Srinagar (J & K) – ** Indian Grassland & Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi, (U.P.) 3rd Agricultural Science Congress, SKUAST-K, 12-14th May, 2014 INTRODUCTION Jammu and Kashmir is ideally suited for livestock rearing due to its varied agro-climatic conditions and rich alpine pastures. Livestock plays a very vital role in economic development of the State and forms an integral part of state agriculture. Organic livestock production is an emerging alternative to the intensive conventional livestock production systems. Demand for organic livestock products is on the rise at local, regional and international level. Organic animal production ensures environmentally safe, chemical-residue free healthy foods and a high standard of animal welfare. Organic animal husbandry, being a system of livestock production that promotes the use of organic and biodegradable inputs from the ecosystem in terms of animal nutrition, animal health, animal housing and breeding offers enormous potential in Jammu and Kashmir. Medicago sativa/M. falcata complex at Leh, Ladakh PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION Land-based activity. Reliance on external inputs, namely fertilizer, concentrate and routine use of veterinary drugs is replaced through management and farm derived resources Forage production relies on nitrogen fixation of legumes, hence legume content is therefore one of the important factors in forage productivity on organic farms Reduction in the amount of concentrates by up to 40%. Reduced concentrate feeding leads to a higher demand in forage (in quantity as well as quality) Good animal health and welfare (outdoor, free-range, maximum access to pasture, combination of preventative management, good supervision for early detection and alternative treatment, especially the use of homeopathy and, in severe cases, the use of conventional veterinary treatment to maintain animal health. Trifolium repens (White clover) Trifolium pratense (red clover) OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES The state of Jammu and Kashmir is endowed with rich forage resource base {Forests, Trees outside forests (Salix spp. Morus spp. Robinia, Celtis etc), sub-alpine and alpine pastures (Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis, Lolium perenne, Phleum pratense, Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense etc ), karewa uplands and side slopes, orchards and common grazing lands, cultivated fodder like oat, berseem, alfalfa, crop residues}. However, these resources are at a considerable neglect at the hands of researchers, planners and the development agencies. Poor housing, equipment and hygiene. Control of internal parasites represents one of the biggest challenges. Management practices such as clean grazing systems, integrating woody species in livestock feeding, mixed stocking, rotational grazing, plant based products, homeopathy and other traditional practices need proper documentation and validation (ethno-veterinary plants). The animal husbandry practices adopted by the farmers and pastoralists are mostly traditional and as such are very close to organic livestock production systems when contrasted with the organic livestock standards. In general, there is inadequate awareness about organic production practices and animal welfare issues. The location specific organic livestock production demonstration farms need to be established to generate awareness on organic animal husbandry practices. Sheep grazing in a commoon grazing land An improved alpine pasture at Yusmarg Grass-legume inter-cropping Degraded Communal Grazing Lands Salix spp. Robina pseudoacacia CONCLUSIONS Prospects of organic animal husbandry are bright in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, especially due to its physiography, favourable climate and likely expected increase in organic livestock products. Some animal management practices are compatible to organic farming. Hence, conversion to organic livestock production system would be much easier if technical and marketing support is extended beyond crops to cover livestock. Organic livestock farming is still evolving and it will take some time to become sustainable on its own. This underscores the need for more research on organic alternatives, including medications, feeds and feeding practices that are compatible with organic management practices and standards. Apple based Hortipastoral system

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