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8X 10-11-2016 Tuesday CA Gold Rush Objective: Describe the causes, events, and results of the Mexican American War and the California Gold Rush. Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "8X 10-11-2016 Tuesday CA Gold Rush Objective: Describe the causes, events, and results of the Mexican American War and the California Gold Rush. Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 8X 10-11-2016 Tuesday CA Gold Rush
Objective: Describe the causes, events, and results of the Mexican American War and the California Gold Rush. Agenda: Prayer Do now: Review your notes from yesterday and write a short summary (2-3 sentences) of the most important facts from your notes. Discuss Do Now Discuss Computer Project with Mrs. Donlon. Building Background. Finish: Read and take notes on chapter 11.3 Homework: Finish 11.4 Section Summary Questions and Vocabulary Builder

2 P 363 #1B: Why was westward expansion such an important issue in the election of 1844?

3 Chapter 11.3 The Mexican-American War
Part I: Causes By the 1840s, the U.S. economy and population had boomed so much that there was little room for farms, lands, businesses, and families. They started looking west for more land. They also started believing in manifest destiny – the idea that God had destined Americans to conquer the west to spread Christianity and American culture. James K. Polk became the U.S. President in 1844 and wanted to annex Texas into the United States. This increased tensions between Mexico and the U.S. because Mexico considers Texas as part of Mexico. Texas officially became part of the U.S. on December This angered Mexicans who considered Texas as stolen property. Even though California belonged to Mexico, they did not feel very connected to Mexico because it was so far away. Californios were also very welcoming. Anglos (U.S. settlers) came into California and began calling for CA independence from Mexico. Mexico thinks the U.S. – Mexico border is the Nueces River. The U.S. thinks it’s the Rio Grande River. President Polk sends troops to the Rio Grande and tries to buy New Mexico and CA from Mexico. Mexico refuses and sends troops to the Rio Grande. A deadly battle ensues. U.S. Congress declares war.

4 Part II: Main events/battles/people
The U.S. had better weapons, more money, and eventually an army of more than 200,000 volunteers. Was far superior than the Mexican army. General Taylor – won battles south of Nueces. Crossed the Rio Grande and secured it as the border. General Stephen Kearny – took Santa Fe, New Mexico without a fight and claimed all of NM. Bear Flag Revolt (CA) –June 1846, American settlers in CA declare it as an independent nation. With John Fremont. Vallejo and other prominent Californios were taken prisoner by the rebels. July 1846 U.S. navy takes CA. Some Californios resist but are defeated in early 1847. Taylor gets reinforcements and moves into Mexico from the Rio Grande. Santa Anna comes back into power in Mexico September Clash and defeat with Taylor at Buena Vista in February 1847. General Winfield Scott – uses (water) trails of Spanish Conquistadors. Attacks and takes Mexico’s strongest fort (Veracruz) to get to Mexico City. After a month long battle, General Scott takes Mexico City on September 14, 1847.

5 Part III: Effects

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