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Section 2 (Westward Bound)

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1 Section 2 (Westward Bound)

2 Westward Bound Census: official count of the population
First census of U.S. (1791): 4 million people Second census (1820): 10 million people Major movement west of Appalachians

3 Westward Bound Turnpikes: Toll roads River Travel
Made of crushed stones National Road (1818): Turnpike which connected Ohio and Illinois to the East River Travel Faster than land travel Problems Rivers moved N to S, not E to W Traveling upstream by barge was dangerous & slow


5 Westward Bound Robert Fulton: Invented Clermont (1807)
Steamboat with a powerful engine Carried Cargo and Passengers Navigated from New York to Albany by Hudson River Only took 32 hours (sail boats would have taken 4 days)


7 Westward Bound Steamboat benefits
Shipping goods became cheaper & faster Growth of Cincinnati & St. Louis

8 Westward Bound Canals- Artificial waterways
Erie Canal- From Albany (connected to Hudson River) to Buffalo (Lake Erie) Consists of locks- separate compartments where water levels were raised or lowered Steamboats dragged by team of horses



11 Westward Bound Movements to the West
First wave in 1803: Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio Second wave : Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, & Missouri became These territories became states


13 Westward Bound Movements to the West Dramatic growth
Ohio in ,000 settlers Ohio in ,000 settlers

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