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Panasonic UC Pro - Group Policy related features -

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1 Panasonic UC Pro - Group Policy related features -
Rev Jun., 2016 1

2 Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Features

3 Table of Contents 1. Overview 3

4 1-1. Overview UC Pro provides Group policy such as “Allows specific functions to all users”, “Allows specific functions to a group but limits to other groups”, etc.. UC Pro Group policy is divided into three levels. - Global settings - Group settings - User settings

5 1-2. Basic Concept of level separation
If higher level gives rights, settings of lower level becomes invalid. * Example1 – In the case of Global settings gives rights to use Audio/Video chat. Global settings Global settings gives rights directly to users. Group settings (Group A) Group settings (Group B) Group / user settings are invalid. User settings (User 1) User settings (User 2) User settings (User 3) User settings (User 4) Can use Can use Can use Can use

6 1-2. Basic Concept of level separation
* Example2 – In the case of Global settings does NOT give rights to use Audio/Video chat. Global settings Global settings does NOT give rights. Group settings gives rights directly to users. Group settings (Group A) Group settings (Group B) Group settings does NOT give rights. User settings (User 1) User settings (User 2) User settings (User 3) User settings (User 4) Each user settings give rights. Each user settings does NOT give rights. Can use Can use Can use Can NOT use * “does NOT give rights” does NOT mean “limits right”. It means that the level devolves the role to lower level.

7 1-3. Basic Concept of rights
The rights given in Global settings, Group settings and User settings is divided into each function. - Right to use Audio Chat - Right to use Video Chat - etc. For example, you can configure so that “All users in Group A can use both Audio and Video chat, however all users in Group B can use only Audio Chat”, etc.

8 1-3. Basic Concept of rights
The functions that can be configured on Global/Group/User settings are NOT completely equal. For example, setting item for “Users are allowed to delete journal entries” exists only on Global settings. Group settings User settings Global settings “delete journal” related setting item There is no “delete journal” related setting item

9 1-4. Global Settings Overview
Global settings screen Functions that the global settings gives rights directly to users - If the item is “Checked”, it means “gives right”. - If the item is “Un-checked”, whether the function is allowed or not for users depends on “Group Settings” or “User Settings”. User Management -> Global settings

10 1-5. Group Settings Overview
Group settings screen Services User Management -> Groups Functions that the group settings can give rights * Please see Appendix for How to create a group and how to add members to the group.

11 1-6. User Settings Overview
User settings is divided into “Settings on UC Pro Server” and “Client side Settings”. “Client side settings” means that each client can configure the settings by themselves using “UC Pro Workstation settings” application. User settings on UC Pro server. UC Pro Workstation settings Services * “UC Pro Workstation settings” application is automatically installed when “UC Pro client” is installed. * To configure using “UC Pro Workstation settings”, a right should be given. Please see chapter 2-1.

12 1-6. User Settings Overview
For example, even if “Enable AudioChat” is un-checked on UC Pro server (and “Configure user profile personally” is checked), the user can check “Enable AudioChat” by himself/herself and use AudioChat function. User settings on UC Pro server. UC Pro Workstation settings “Enable AudioChat” is un-checked The user can set by himself/herself so that can use Audio chat. * To limit users to change these settings, “Permission to configure his own profile” should be un-checked on Global settings or Group settings or User settings.

13 Table of Contents 2. Features 13

14 2-1. “Editing user’s own profile”
      If this right is given to users, the user can edit their own profile (Name, Company name, phone number, etc.) and select functions (Audio chat, Video chat, etc.) . Global settings sample User may configure their profiles personally User Management -> Global settings

15 2-1. “Editing user’s own profile”
      If this setting item is set to Un-checked on Global settings, “Group” or “User” settings will be valid. In other words, you can configure “Whether allow users to edit their own profile or not” to each Group or each user. Group settings User settings Services tab Services tab User may configure their profiles personally

16 2-1. “Editing user’s own profile”
      Summary Global settings Group settings User settings User’s right Checked NA Can edit by themselves Un-checked Can NOT edit by themselves Not belongs to group

17 2-1. “Editing user’s own profile”
An example Global settings Group settings User settings Un-checked Checked “UC Pro workstation settings” screen The user can select whether to use Outlook integration The user can edit Company name, etc.

18 2-2. “Audio chat / Video chat”
      If this right is given to users, the user can use Audio chat / Video chat function. Global settings sample Audio chat and Video chat can be configured separately. * “Both Audio/Video chat is allowed” or “Only Audio chat is allowed” or “Both is NOT allowed” User Management -> Global settings

19 2-2. “Audio chat / Video chat”
      If this item is set to Un-checked on Global settings, “Group” or “User” settings will be valid. Group settings User settings Services tab Services tab

20 2-2. “Audio chat / Video chat”
      Summary Global settings Group settings User settings User’s right Checked NA Can use Audio/Video chat Un-checked Can NOT use Audio/Video chat Not belongs to group

21 2-2. “Audio chat / Video chat”
An example Global settings Group settings User settings Audio chat : Checked Video chat : Un-checked Audio chat : NA Corresponding user’s screen Only Audio chat is allowed (Video chat menu does NOT appear)

22 2-3. “Screen Sharing”       If this right is given to users, the user can use screen sharing function. (Show your screen to the other party / See the other party’s screen) Global settings screen Accept Screen Sharing and Initiate Screen Sharing can be configured separately. * “Both Accept/Initiate is allowed” or “Only Accept is allowed” or “Both is NOT allowed” User Management -> Global settings

23 2-3. “Screen Sharing”       If this item is set to Un-checked on Global settings, “Group” or “User” settings will be valid. Group settings User settings Services tab Services tab How to configure is similar to Audio chat/Video chat. See chapter 2-2.

24 2-4. “The whole journal access”
      If this right is given to users, the user can access to not only his/her own journal (log) but also other user’s journal. Global settings screen “Enable access to the whole journal for all users” There is no related settings on Group settings and User settings. (In other words, this is System setting)

25 2-4. “The whole journal access”
      Client operation (Journal Browser) This setting affects to “Journal browser” function. (Not “JOURNAL” tab) If this setting is un-checked, only own journal will be displayed on Journal Browser. Click “Public entries” icon Other user’s journal Own journal Not related to this setting. Journal tab always shows only own journal. Other user’s journal

26 2-5. “The Group journal access”
      If the whole journal access is un-checked on Global settings (see 2-4), “Group journal access” settings is valid on Group settings screen. Group settings Services tab If “Journal entries may be modified” is checked, the group members can also edit and modify the other user’s journal

27 2-5. “The Group journal access”
      Client operation (Journal Browser) This setting affects to “Journal browser” function. (Not “JOURNAL” tab) If this setting is un-checked, only own journal will be displayed on Journal Browser. Click “Public entries” icon Own journal Not related to this setting. Journal tab always shows only own journal. Other user’s within same group journal

28 2-6. “Deleting own journal”
      If this right is given to users, the users can delete their own journal. Global settings “Users are allowed to delete journal entries” There is no related settings on Group settings and User settings. (In other words, this is system setting)

29 2-6. “Deleting own journal”
      Client operation In the case of Checked JOURNAL tab Right-click In the case of Un-Checked Right-click Users can delete Select journal entries you want to delete, Then right-click Users can NOT delete

30 2-7. “All users in the Monitor”
      If this right is given to users, the user can display all users in the Monitor screen. Global settings “All users have all users in the monitor” There is no related settings on Group settings and User settings. (In other words, this is system setting)

31 2-7. “All users in the Monitor”
      Client operation All users are displayed On the UC PRO USER tab.

32 2-8. “Group Monitor”       If “All users have all users in the Monitor” is un-checked on Global settings, “ Group users are displayed in the monitor” setting on Group settings is valid. Group settings If “Group users are displayed in the monitor” is checked, only members within your group will be displayed on the Monitor.

33 2-8. “Group Monitor” Client operation
Only members within your group will be displayed.

34 2-9. “Authorization”       Users can decide what kinds of information will be opened to other parties, such as work phone number, presence, etc. by giving a “Authorization”. Authorization level is divided into 5 levels; - Blocked - Public - Business - Team - Personal More information will be opened For example, if you give “Public” authorization to “Mr.David”, “Mr.David” will be able to see only limited information of you. If you give “Personal” authorization to “Ms.Anna”, “Ms.Anna” will be able to see almost all information of you.

35 2-9. “Authorization” How to give authentication (Client operation)
UC Pro client 1.Select another party 2.Right-click 3.Authorization level 4.Select a level

36 2-9. “Authorization”       If this right is given on Global settings screen, all users can set authorization level by themselves. The level set here defines the levels users can select. Global settings Authorizations Level * If “Team” is set here, users can set only “Team” or “Personal”

37 2-9. “Authorization”       If this item is un-checked on Global settings screen, “Group” settings is valid. Group settings Authorizations tab Authorizations Level *None means “No Limit”. * This group setting is only valid within the same group. For example, if “Personal” is set here, you can only give “Personal” to the other parties who belong to your group, however you can give any level (e.g. Public) to the different parties who don’t belong to your group.

38 2-9. “Authorization”       Authorization related behaviors are mainly divided into two categories. One is “Information”, another is “Presence related”. Information example Information * Name, Company name, address, phone number, etc. * For example, if “Personal” is given, you can see almost all information. If “Public” is given, you can see limited information.

39 2-9. “Authorization” Presence, Phone status, etc. Appointment status
Presence example Appointment example * For example, if “Personal” is given, you can see private appointment stored in Outlook. if “Public” is given, you can not see any appointment stored in Outlook. Presence, Phone status, etc. Appointment status

40 2-9. “Authorization”       The behavior differs between the case of within the same UC Pro server and the case of Federation system. Each case will be explained in the following slides.

41 2-9. “Authorization” 1-1. In the case of same system (same UC Pro Server) : Information Information Blocked Public Business Team Personal Display name Yes  Yes address Job title Work (Business) phone Work (Business) phone2 Mobile Private phone (Home) Company Room number Business Address Note No

42 2-9. “Authorization” 1-2. In the case of same system (same UC Pro Server) : Presence related Presence related Blocked Public Work (Business) Team Personal See Presence No *1 Yes Set Presence No See Private appointment (Outlook scheduler integration) See Public appointment Yes *2 See “Note” * 1 Always shows “Out of Office (Not logged in)” * 2 See next slide

43 2-9. “Authorization” To open private appointment, select “Private and Public appointments” on each UC Pro client setting screen. Select “Private and Public appointments” Integration -> Calendar

44 2-9. “Authorization” 1-3. In the case of same system (same UC Pro Server) : Work phone status Work phone (extension) status Blocked Public Work (Business) Team Personal See Phone status No Yes See Phone number of the talking party See Call FWD status Yes *1 Yes *2 Yes *2 Set Call FWD See DND status Set DND Call Pick up * 1 Can NOT see the FWD destination * 2 Can see the FWD destination

45 2-7. “Authorization” 2-1. In the case of Federation : Information
Blocked Public Work (Business) Team Personal Display name Yes  Yes address Job title Work (Business) phone No Work (Business) phone2 Mobile Private phone (Home) Company Room number Business Address Note

46 2-7. “Authorization” 2-2. In the case of Federation : Presence related
Blocked Public Work (Business) Team Personal See Presence No Yes Set Presence See Private appointment (Outlook scheduler integration) See Public appointment See “Note”

47 2-7. “Authorization” 2-3. In the case of Federation : Work phone status Work phone (extension) status Blocked Public Work (Business) Team Personal See Phone status No Yes *1 Yes See Phone number of the talking party See Call FWD status Set Call FWD See DND status Set DND Call Pick up * 1 Can see only when talking. Can NOT see when ringing or calling.

48 2-10. “Group Leader’s authorization”
1. Additional authorization for the group leader (There is no Global setting) Independent authorization can be given to the group leader. Authorizations tab General tab Group member’s level. Group leader dedicated level. * Even if an authorization level is given to the group, different (independent) authorization level can set to the group leader.

49 2-10. “Group Leader’s authorization”
2. Journal access Even if whole journal access is NOT allowed on “Global settings” and “Group Settings for group members” (See chapter. 3), if this item is checked on “Group settings”, only the group leader can access the journal of group members. The group journal is visible for the group leader. (This setting is for the group members.)

50 Table of Contents Appendix 50

51 1. How to create a Group 1. Enter the group name User Management
-> Groups Click “Add” 2. Click “OK”

52 1. How to create a Group 1. Select a leader 2. Launch the menu
2. Click “OK” 1. Confirm Group settings are active

53 1. How to create a Group

54 2. How to add a member to the group
Members tab Click “Add”

55 2. How to add a member to the group
1. Select a member to be added. A member is added. Click “OK” 2. Click “OK”

56 Table of Contents END 56

57 Modification 20160607-00 9 UC Pro Group Policy_Rev1.0_7Jun2016.pptx
- 1st release

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