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Pharoah Tutankhamun.

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1 Pharoah Tutankhamun



4 How did he die? Theories Fact (DNA studies)
Hunting accident Blood infection A blow to the head Poisoning Fact (DNA studies) Multiple malaria infections Necrosis in his left foot Fracture of left thighbone All of this leads to a weakened immune system


6 Burial Mask of Tut and a Reconstruction of Tut

7 Discovering the Tomb

8 Howard Carter with the Newly Discovered Mummy
The tomb was discovered in November of 1922 by Howard Carter.

9 Tut’s Sarcophagus





14 The Media Frenzy Begins
1923 a novelist reported dire consequences for anyone who had entered the tomb! “They who enter this sacred tomb shall swift be visited by wings of death.” “…I will kill all those who cross this threshold into the sacred precincts of the Royal King who lives forever.” Newspapers reported the deaths of 26 people involved with the dig within 10 years!

15 Reality Only 6 people died within the 1st 10 years.
Howard Carter lives for 17 more years until the age of 65. Name Died Age Function Comment Adamson, Richard 1980+ 81+ Guard who slept in tomb Benedite, Georges 1926 69 Louvre representative Died of heat stroke Bethell, Richard 1929 Carter's personal secretary Died in London Breasted, James H. 1935 70 Univ. of Chicago archaeologist Bruyere, Bernard 1965+ 80+ Burton, Harry 1939+ Photographer Highly involved in project Callender, A. R. 1939 Assistant to Carter Present at all tomb procedures Capart, Jean 1947 Belgian Archaeologist Derry, Douglas 1969 87 Cairo University anatomist Analyzed Tut's mummy Engelbach, Reginald 1946 58 Cairo Museum Gardiner, Sir Alan 1963 84 Philologist Handled all written material in tomb Hall, Lindsley F. Draftsman Hauser, Walter Herbert, Lady Evelyn 1980 78 Daughter of Lord Carnarvon Entered tomb when opened Kuentz, Charles Lacau, Pierre 1965 92 Egyptologist Intimately involved - all operations Lefebvre, Gustave 1957 Lucas, Alfred 1950+ 79 Chemist for Egypt Government Lythgoe, A. M. 1934 66 Metropolitan Museum (NYC) Mace, Arthur C. 1928 Winlock, Herbert E. 1950 Sheikh Hussein 1997

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