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Multimedia and Vision Lab, Queen Mary,

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1 Multimedia and Vision Lab, Queen Mary,
Network of Excellence in Content Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval Deliverable D2.1 E. Izquierdo Multimedia and Vision Lab, Queen Mary, University of London FUB - Rome, Feb. 1-2, 2005

2 First release September 2002, Focusing on content based retrieval systems Motivations, Applications and Needs Temporal Segmentation Using Uncompressed Video Temporal Segmentation and Indexing in the Compressed Domain Video Segmentation Using Shape Modelling Image Indexing in the Spatial Domain High-Level Descriptors Metrics between Descriptors and Relevance Feedback The aim of schema is to bring together institutions interested in the SCHEMA research areas and allow them to exchange any kind of information and as a results this will enrich the capabilities of each partner with the complimentary skills of the other partners and strengthen the European expertise overall. The aim is to expand the Network as soon as possible in order SCHEMA to be a European Forum in Semantic Scene Analysis and Information retrieval. Of course SCHEMA will be strongly involved in dissemination activities.

3 Second release May 2003, Extended version including analysis techniques for CBIR Audio-based and Audio-assisted Semantic Content Analysis Content Characterization of Sports Programs Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval Systems Other commercial content-based image retrieval systems The aim of schema is to bring together institutions interested in the SCHEMA research areas and allow them to exchange any kind of information and as a results this will enrich the capabilities of each partner with the complimentary skills of the other partners and strengthen the European expertise overall. The aim is to expand the Network as soon as possible in order SCHEMA to be a European Forum in Semantic Scene Analysis and Information retrieval. Of course SCHEMA will be strongly involved in dissemination activities.

4 Third release (September 2004)
Section on “Metrics between Descriptors and Relevance Feedback” renamed as “Metrics in Descriptor Space” New comprehensive section on “Moving object detection” by QMUL Section on "Video Segmentation Using Shape modeling" updated by UPC New section on "Semantic image and video analysis recognition“ by ITI Sections, "Video Segmentation Using Shape Modeling", Updated by UCL Section on “Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval Systems”, focusing on the MUVIS system, Updated by TUT Audio section, Updated by BT Commercial systems, updated by Alinari New section on “Visualization of descriptors”, by UBrescia The aim of schema is to bring together institutions interested in the SCHEMA research areas and allow them to exchange any kind of information and as a results this will enrich the capabilities of each partner with the complimentary skills of the other partners and strengthen the European expertise overall. The aim is to expand the Network as soon as possible in order SCHEMA to be a European Forum in Semantic Scene Analysis and Information retrieval. Of course SCHEMA will be strongly involved in dissemination activities.

5 Final release (Jan 2004) Short update of section on “Video Segmentation Using Shape Modeling” by INRIA/UCL QMUL: Comprehensive new section on “User Relevance Feedback in CBIR” Organization and layout of final document The aim of schema is to bring together institutions interested in the SCHEMA research areas and allow them to exchange any kind of information and as a results this will enrich the capabilities of each partner with the complimentary skills of the other partners and strengthen the European expertise overall. The aim is to expand the Network as soon as possible in order SCHEMA to be a European Forum in Semantic Scene Analysis and Information retrieval. Of course SCHEMA will be strongly involved in dissemination activities.

6 Final release (Jan 2004) Short update of section on “Video Segmentation Using Shape Modeling” by INRIA/UCL QMUL: Comprehensive new section on “User Relevance Feedback in CBIR” Organization and layout of final document The aim of schema is to bring together institutions interested in the SCHEMA research areas and allow them to exchange any kind of information and as a results this will enrich the capabilities of each partner with the complimentary skills of the other partners and strengthen the European expertise overall. The aim is to expand the Network as soon as possible in order SCHEMA to be a European Forum in Semantic Scene Analysis and Information retrieval. Of course SCHEMA will be strongly involved in dissemination activities.

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