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A Commercial Approach To Sales & Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "A Commercial Approach To Sales & Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Commercial Approach To Sales & Marketing
Tim Seward Director of Sales & Marketing Latimer – part of Clarion Housing Group

2 Clarion Housing Group Recently merged – Circle Housing & Affinity Sutton Largest Housing Group in the UK Target to build 50,000 new homes in the next 10 years 2,000 new shared ownership homes a year 1,000 private sale homes a year National coverage Challenge to set up a volume sales operation

3 Driving efficiency Separating out our sales functions to be clear on responsibilities Adopting realistic and commercial sales assumptions Improving our front line customer contact Improving our digital marketing platform Using a sales CRM system to manage volume buyers and properties After sales service key to our brand

4 Digital marketing platform
Ability to track all sales leads and ROI Understanding how our customers are interacting with us online and personalise marketing Interrogation of data to segment and target buyers Automation of contact with customers Self service offering - online viewing booking system Use database to cross sell Update multiple portals in one go

5 Sales CRM system Track every property and every buyer
Manage sales programme performance with easy reporting Give each buyer their own account log in to manage their journey and view progress Automate a lot of sales progression work Keep sales on track with time management tools

6 Excellent customer service
Feed in at the very beginning to shape the design and specification to get the product right Aligning our shared ownership customer journey with our private customer journey Selling the lifestyle and product and less focus on all the hoops usually associated with shared ownership Making our after sales service integral to the process

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