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A Turbulent Local Environment

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Presentation on theme: "A Turbulent Local Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Turbulent Local Environment
of an FRB Siyao Xu Peking University Bing Zhang University of Nevada Las Vegas / Peking University

2 …… Turbulence is inevitable. Protoplanetary disks Galaxy clusters
Supernova remnants Turbulence is inevitable.

3 Turbulence in astrophysics
GRB Core-collapse supernovae Zhang & Yan 11, ICMART model Mosta et al. 2015 Turbulence in astrophysics Interstellar clouds Cosmic rays Supernova shocks First stars Xu et al. 15, 16 Xu & Yan 13 Xu et al. in prep Xu & Lazarian 16, 17

4 A turbulent local environment of an FRB
synchrotron polarization P Faraday rotation RM B|| B^ ρ Turbulent FRB model, may also applicable to e.g., blazars RM is intrinsic to the source itself. scatter broadening τsc

5 A turbulent local environment of an FRB
Faraday rotation RM B|| ρ Turbulent FRB model, may also applicable to e.g., blazars scatter broadening τsc

6 Turbulent magnetic field and density field

7 Turbulent magnetic field and density field
Do they have the same distribution in turbulence?

8 Flux-freezing breakdown
Magnetic field diffusion Supersonic turbulence Microscopic diffusion e.g., resistive diffusion, ambipolar diffusion Reconnection-driven turbulent diffusion (Lazarian & Vishniac 1999) e.g., the cold ISM is highly turbulent and highly supersonic, Re ~ 108, Ms>10 he shockpump thus produces density structure without the necessity of any sort of instability. We argue that the shockpump should lead to nested shock-induced structures, providing a cascade mechanism for supersonic "turbulence" and a physical explanation for the fractal-like structure of the cool interstellar medium. Over the scales where turbulence exists Eyink et al. 2013 Molecular clouds

9 Supersonic magnetic turbulence
Spectra of magnetic and density fluctuations in Subsonic turbulence Supersonic turbulence Ms~0.35 Ms~2.5 Density Magnetic field Magnetic field Spectra Density Cho & Lazarian 2003

10 RM in supersonic magnetic turbulence
RM density fluctuations Thermal energy < turbulent kinetic energy < magnetic energy In supersonic and sub-Alfvenic turbulence, RM fluctuations are dominated by density fluctuations.

11 RM in supersonic ISM β=2.64 Density spectra RM spectra
Spectral slope vs. length scale Structure function of RM fluctuations dust HI absorption 12CO 13CO Data: Minter & Spangler 1996 β=2.64 Hennebelle & Falgarone 2012 Xu & Zhang 2016a, (ApJ, 824, 113)

12 Density distribution in supersonic turbulence
Ms=0.6 A shallow density spectrum β<3 Ms~10 Kolmogorov Ms=8.3 Velocity Beresnyak et al. 2005 Kowal et al. 2007

13 Density distribution in supersonic turbulence

14 Scatter broadening in turbulence
Scattering time ~ Small-scale density enhancement leads to enhanced scattering Shallower Xu & Zhang 2017 (ApJ, 835, 2) Supersonic Subsonic

15 Scattering time vs. DM for Galactic pulsars
Data: Krishnakumar et al. 2015

16 Supersonic ISM β=2.6 Scattering time vs. DM for Galactic pulsars
Data: Krishnakumar et al. 2015 Supersonic ISM β=2.6 Density Magnetic field Small-scale density excess enhances scattering. Xu & Zhang 2017 (ApJ, 835, 2) Cho & Lazarian 2003

17 Scattering time induced by supersonic turbulence (β<3)
Scatter broadening of FRBs Scattering time induced by supersonic turbulence (β<3) Xu & Zhang 2016b (ApJ, 832, 199) Using parameters similar to the supersonic turbulence in the Galactic ISM (inferred from pulsars) ν= 1 GHz, β~ 2.6, δne ~ 0.3 cm-3, ne ~ 0.01 cm-3, l0 ~ 107 cm, f ~ 10-6

18 A turbulent local environment of an FRB
synchrotron polarization P Faraday rotation RM B|| B^ ρ Turbulent FRB model, may also applicable to e.g., blazars

19 Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of an FRB
Faraday depolarization scale Uniform RM Stochastic RM Beck & Wielebinski 2013 Depolarization from radio sources, where the degree of polarization decreases with increasing wavelength, Lazarian & Pogosyan 2016 (ApJ, 818, 178) Emitting region scale L = Faraday depolarization scale

20 Simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of an FRB
1 103 106 Intrinsic polarized intensity Depolarization Pi = Q + iU λ(p-1)/2 λ< λc λ> λc

21 τsc RM RM λ> λc Depolarization ρ Turbulence
uniform stochastic B ρ Both Turbulence sub-S & sub-A sub-S & super-A super-S & sub-A super-S & super-A RM large small large small τsc small small large small correlation of polarization at different wavelengths along a fixed line of sight. Detailed structures of …. Probable but not definite Also mention PSA ri > ri > ri > ri < Polarization Frequency Analysis (PFA) Lazarian & Pogosyan 2016 (ApJ, 818, 178)

22 Take-Away Soup Due to the flux-freezing breakdown, the distribution of magnetic field and density fluctuations can be different in turbulence. In supersonic and sub-Alfvenic turbulence, RM fluctuations are dominated by density fluctuations. In supersonic turbulence, At long wavelengths, at sufficiently short wavelengths small-scale density excess enhances scattering. Multi-wavelength observations of FRBs, GRBs, …., can provide a useful tool for probing magnetic field and density structure, particle acceleration and radiation mechanism at the source.

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