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Fundamental Tasks Of the Individual Gov Market School Church Family

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2 Fundamental Tasks Of the Individual Gov Market School Church Family
These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

3 Fundamental Tasks Of the Couple Gov Market Gov Market School School
Church Church Family Family The effective couple works towards unity in the execution of these five same tasks. The more united they are on how to do them and how to balance them, the stronger the couple and the stronger the family.

4 Fundamental Tasks Of the Family Gov Market School Church Family Gov
All children first learn these tasks within the family. The more unity there is between the parents on how these tasks will be performed in the family, the easier it will be for the children to learn how to perform them. Family Family

5 Belonging: Male + Female
Society At Large Family Child / Adult Father Mother Thus the foundational relationship out of which all the institutional capacities spring is the marital relationship (or the relationship between mother and father). To the extent that relationship is good and unified, children thrive, families thrive, communities thrive, nations thrive. To the extent this relationships is weakened or nonexistent, children suffer, families suffer, communities suffer, and nations suffer. Marriage is the foundational relationship for a fully functional society.

6 Marriage / Child Relationship
The Non-Thriving Marriage / Child Relationship When mother and father are in tension, conflict, or separated, children feel it and are weakened by it. This is the constant lesson of family therapy with young and mid-childhood children. Eliminate the conflict between the parents

7 Society’s Foundational Relationship
There is a whole new realm of sociology, the sociology of religion, which demonstrates an age-old common-sense set of knowledge: that marriages are strengthened by the practice of prayer and worship (signified above by the triangle). When prayer and worship are present children thrive even more, and thus society thrives even more.

8 Index of ~ Annual Rejection Ratio: For Every 100 Children Born 60 40
Sources: CDC/ NCHS report series 60 40 20 10 90.0 Index of ~ 80.0 70.0 60.0 Divorce 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 Over the last sixty years more and more children have experienced the separation of their parents – rejecting each other – either before marriage (Out-of-Wedlock births) or after marriage, in divorce. Similar rejections happen very frequently among cohabiting parents (the dotted line). In 1950 for every 100 children born: 12 experienced the splitting of their parents that year: 4 out of wedlock 8 through their parents divorcing that year The next slide shows accurate data for the year 2008. OWB 0.0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1998 2000

9 Belonging and Rejection Ratio for the US, 2008
Source: Am. Comm Survey 2008 60 54.6 50 45.4 40 30 20 This chart illustrates the belonging (blue) and rejection (red) index for the United States for the year These ratios measure the proportion of 17-year olds—those at the cusp of adulthood --- living inside an always intact married family, the belonging (blue) ratio, and those whose parents have rejected each other (red). We have built a culture of rejection. 10 BELONGING REJECTION

10 Index of Belonging, Ethnic Groups
Source: American Community Survey 2008 70.0% 62.0% 60.0% 53.8% 50.0% 45.4% 40.2% 40.0% 30.0% 23.8% 17.4% 20.0% This chart illustrates the national belonging index (on the left-hand side) and the belonging index for each major ethnic group in the United States. 10.0% 0.0% U.S. Black American Indian & Hispanic White Asian Alaskan Native

11 Index of Belonging for the States
Source: American Community Survey 2008 70.0 US 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 This chart rank orders The Belonging Ratio in the individual states across the U.S. Utah has the highest and Mississippi the lowest. 10.0 0.0 D M L A A G S T N N O F L N A K W M N D E S M I N O A M I R I T X U H I C W V O W M K V C T I L N C P W I M I D N M I A N E N J M N U T C S A R L A C M K V Z Y V O C D D R K S A A A H Y E S T Y O A T D A N H 16 32 34 37 37 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 50 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 57 58 59

12 This chart shows the states rank ordered by frequency of religious attendance (% who worship weekly) contrasted with the level of family intactness (biological mother and father married). The red line shows the slope of intactness of family (the bars for each state). Most would expect a positive correlation between the two but three is not.

13 Number of Non-Marital Sexual Partners
Versus Percent in an Intact Marriage Source NSFG 1995 Here is the impact of monogamy on the stability of marriage. The first bar is the woman who has never had sexual intercourse outside of marriage (0 partners outside of marriage). 80% of such women in the United States have stable marriages … stay united to their husbands. The rest of the chart tells the rest of the story: the more sexual partners the more likely they are to divorce. Even having one partner brings the rate of divorce very close to one in two chances (54 %).

14 The More Sexual Partners the More Likely to Abort
Source NSFG 1995 60 52 50 43 39 40 34 31 Percent who have abortions later 30 25 19 20 18 From the same survey (the National Survey of Family Growth) we can see the impact of the number of sexual partners outside of marriage on the likelihood of fetal abortion taking place. 12 10 8 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21+ NUMBER OF NON MARITAL SEXUAL PARTNERS IN LIFETIME

15 Non-Marital Sexual Partners and Out-of-Wedlock Births
Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth, 1995 60% 55.21% 49.45% 49.99% 49.89% 50% 47.55% 44.02% 42.66% 40.02% 40% 32.89% Percent of Sexually Active Women Aged with Children 30% 20% 16.29% Naturally the more non marital sexual partners a woman has the more likely she is to give birth out-of-wedlock. 10% 1.71% 0% Virgin at Had Pre- 1 2 3 4 5 6-10. 11-15. 16-20 21+ The more sexual partners one has the more likely one is to conceive a child out of wedlock. Some may wonder about the first column on the left, “Virgin at the time of first marriage” who has a child out of wedlock. In this case the births represented would have happened after the first marriage ended in divorce, and the child’s father was not the mother’s husband. Time of Marital Sex First with First Marriage Husband Number of Lifetime Voluntary Non-Marital Sexual Partners

16 Non-Marital Sexual Partners And Single Motherhood
Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth, 1995 60% 56.98% 53.07% 50.30% 50% 48.13% 47.03% 44.16% 38.81% 40% 36.48% 30.21% Percent of Sexually Active women Aged with Children 30% 20% And to end up a single motherr. 10% 7.09% The more sexual partners outside of marriage, the more likely a woman is to end up a single mother. This first column on the left represents those monogamous women who end up as single mothers after their marriage dissolves. 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6-10. 11-15. 16-20 21+ Number of Lifetime Non-Marital Sexual Partners

17 Female Homosexuality Homosexual development is also linked to family structure. And again we see the family that always belongs together has the lowest rate of homosexuality, though even there things go wrong (as any clinical psychologist will tell us – and as every married parent knows). Here there is the least incidence, not only in the intact married family, but also in the (broken) always-single mother family. This last structure however, on many relational measures, is often quite strong – not as strong as the always intact married family but stronger, often, that all the others. This arises from the phenomenon that for the child’s day to day experience his or her family is quite intact … the separation or rejection by parents of each other happened outside of his or her experience, in infancy, often. Thus we get the strength we see here (the lesser amount of homosexuality). Keep in mind that in this chart the numbers are small so the confidence in the pattern has to be reduced. All that notwithstanding this is the best estimate of homosexuality we have from a nationally representative federal survey.

18 Female Homosexuality By combining all the non-intact family structure together we get a clearer picture of the impact of the rejection of parents of each other on the phenomenon of homosexuality. The same caveats hold here as hold for the previous chart: the numbers are small therefore the confidence is reduced. None the less these are the best data we have.

19 Index of Belonging, Ethnic Groups
Source: American Community Survey 2008 70.0% 62.0% 60.0% 53.8% 50.0% 45.4% 40.2% 40.0% 30.0% 23.8% 17.4% 20.0% This chart illustrates the national belonging index (on the left-hand side) and the belonging index for each major ethnic group in the United States. 10.0% 0.0% U.S. Black American Indian & Hispanic White Asian Alaskan Native

20 Behavioral Problems Index (Nationally Normed Percentile Score) Administered to Individuals
Aged by Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 71% Non Marital Partners 69% 69% 67% 67% 65% 65% Behavioral Problems Index 63% 62% 61% 60% 59% 57% 55% None or Married and Monogamous One Two Three More than Three Number of Sexual Partners* Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *Actual statistics are reported as averages. For example “Two” means the average was more than one but less than or equal to two.

21 Non Marital Partners Percentage Who Have Been Convicted of a Crime
by Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 40% Non Marital Partners 35% 36% 30% 30% 25% Percentage Who Have Ever Been Convicted of a Crime 20% 20% 15% 10% 12% 12% 5% 0% None or Married and Monogamous One Two Three More than Three Number of Sexual Partners* Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *Actual statistics are reported as averages. For example “Two” means the average was more than one but less than or equal to two.

22 Non Marital Partners Percentage Who Have Ever Used Marijuana
by Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 90% Non Marital Partners 80% 81% 70% 71% 60% 62% Percentage Who Have Ever Used Marijuana 50% 40% 43% 30% 32% 20% None or Married and Monogamous One Two Three More than Three Number of Sexual Partners* Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *Actual statistics are reported as averages. For example “Two” means the average was more than one but less than or equal to two.

23 Non Marital Partners Percentage Who Have Completed High School
by Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 75% Non Marital Partners 70% 71% 69% 68% 65% 65% Percentage Who Have Completed High School 60% 55% 56% 50% 45% None or Married and Monogamous One Two Three More than Three Number of Sexual Partners* Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *Actual statistics are reported as averages. For example “Two” means the average was more than one but less than or equal to two.

24 Percentage Who Dropped Out of Regular School for At Least One Month and Returned
by Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 17% Non Marital Partners 16% 15% 15% 15% 13% Percentage Who Dropped Out of School 11% 9% 9% 8% 7% 5% None or Married and Monogamous One Two Three More than Three Number of Sexual Partners* Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *Actual statistics are reported as averages. For example “Two” means the average was more than one but less than or equal to two.

25 Fundamental Tasks EDUCATION Gov Market School Church Family
These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

26 GPA English/Math by Family Structure
Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. 2.90 2.9 2.80 2.70 2.6 Average GPA Enligsh/Math Combined 2.6 2.6 2.60 This chart, using the U.S.’s largest longitudinal survey of adolescents shows the impact of family structure on grade point average for American high school students. The score is a composite of math and language scores. Children from the always intact married family score best, by far. 2.5 2.5 2.50 2.40 2.30 INTACT STEP COHABIT (BOTH COHABIT (ONE DIVORCED NEVER MARRIED NATURAL) NATURAL)

27 Fundamental Tasks MARTKETPLACE $$ Gov Market School Church Family
These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

28 Yearly Income, 2000, Families With Children
Note: Figures do not include transferred income $60,000 $54,000 $50,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 . $30,000 $23,000 $20,000 $20,000 The data here are medians (50% of families above this mark and 50% below), not averages. Medians are used so that the extreme incomes of multimillionaires do not give a false picture. Using the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finance, we can see that the always-intact-married-family, on average, earns the most. The married stepfamily comes close. All other family structures are significantly less. The always single mother family earns the least. $9,100 $9,400 $10,000 $0 First Marriage Second(+) Cohabitation Divorced Separated Widowed Never Married Marriage

29 Median Net Worth of Families With Children Under 18, 2000
Source: Survey of Consumer Finance, 2001 $140,000 $120,250 $120,000 $105,360 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 Using Federal Reserve data, this chart dramatically illustrates the impact of family structure on the capital worth of the country. Net worth for most families is composed of the value of the house they own, their retirement savings, and some other goods such as cars, refrigerators, etc. In these data the figure shown is median income, not average income. That means that fifty percent of all families in any structure earned above this level and fifty percent below this level. This, rather than average wealth is used, because the billionaires would quickly distort the average. Using the median, we get a better sense of the impact of family structure on capital wealth. As is clear from this, marriage has a dramatic impact on the capital worth of the family. Both the always-intact-married and the married-stepfamily have the highest capital worth by far. Thereafter, the net worth of other family structures drops dramatically. The always-single-mother-family only has a net worth of only $350. The always-intact-married-family has a net worth of $120,250. $40,000 $27,800 $20,540 $16,540 $14,850 $20,000 $350 $0 First Marriage Second(+) Divorced Widowed Cohabitation Separated Never Married Marriage

30 Children in Poverty, 2000 67 Percent In Poverty 41 39 31 13 12
80 67 70 60 50 Percent In Poverty 41 39 40 31 30 20 12 13 10 The issue of belonging, rejection, and indifference, is powerfully illustrated in this chart of the percentage of children in poverty by family structure. Each label on the different family structures is a shorthand history of belonging, rejection, or indifference within the family. The lowest level of poverty is in the always-intact family (12 percent), where the parents have always belonged to each other and to their children. The real picture is probably even better for many intact families are graduate students whose income is very low but about whom no one is really worried for they are on their way to a middle class income. The next family structure, the stepfamily, is in a similar situation with 13 percent in poverty. Here, the parents and children belong to each other, but normally in the history of this family there is serious rejection (divorce) for at least one of the parents or rejection originating with an out-of-wedlock birth. The level of poverty in the divorced, single parent family is much higher at 31 percent. This form of the family is fractured by the parents’ rejection of each other. The next highest level of poverty is amongst cohabiting parents who are characterized by ambivalence about their future with each other (39 percent). The separated, single-parent family has a similarly high level of child poverty at 41 percent. Finally, the always-single mother family has the highest level of child poverty at 67 percent. This is the family structure where the father has never belonged to the mother nor fully to his children. Data such as this shaped the welfare reform debate of FIRST MARRIAGE SECOND(+) MARRIAGE DIVORCED COHABITATION SEPARATED NEVER MARRIED

31 Source R Rector: Analysis of CPS 2001
Children in Poverty Unmarried Parents Same Parents Married 3.17 Million Children 3.93 Million Children Out of Poverty In Poverty Using the Current Population Survey, a major survey of the Bureau of the Census, this chart illustrates the potential impact of marriage on the level of poverty. The red column on the left represents all the children in poverty in single parent families (the vast majority of children who are in poverty). The blue and red column on the right represents the impact that the marriage of the fathers to their mothers in which both incomes are combined. Were the fathers of children in poverty married to the mothers of their children, 81 percent of tall these children would be lifted out of poverty. This massive drop is achieved without the impact of the next chart, which, in real life, would have yet another significant impact. 0.75 Million Children Source R Rector: Analysis of CPS 2001

32 Marriage Premium in Male Income
Source Antovics, K. & Town, R. Am Econ Review V 94, (2004) pp $127 140 $100 120 100 80 Comparative Income % 60 $27 The earnings capacity of men increases significantly with marriage as this chart illustrates. This chart illustrates a study that culminates a series of research projects which went about isolating the effect of marriage on men’s earning power. Controlling for all other factors (even genetics --- using monozygotic twin studies) men who are married increase their earning power by 27% in general. The preceding slide which showed the effect on child poverty of fathers being married to the mothers of their children did not inlcude this effect but used only the earnings of the fathers, not the increased income they would have earned had they decided to marry the mother of their children. Should that have been the case, nearly every child would have been lifted out of poverty. + = 40 20 Average Unmarried Male Premium Average Married Male

33 Fundamental Tasks GOVERNMENT Gov Market School Church Family
These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

34 Family Structure: Comparative Rates Of Youth Incarceration
4 3.7 3.5 3 2.71 2.5 2.07 Comparative Rates of Incarceration 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 Raised in Intact Married Parent Raised in Mother-Only Family Raised in a Mother and Raised in a Stepmother Family This chart looks at the rates of incarceration for juvenile delinquents by family structure. This particular chart illustrates not just simple correlations but the regression results after controlling for parental income and education. Interestingly, these results highlight stepfamilies’ difficulties in attaining a sense of intactness and belonging. The highest rate of incarceration (of boys in the main part) is in families where the mother comes from outside the original biological family to form the reconstructed stepfamily. The next highest is when the father is brought from outside the original biological family to form the new stepfamily. The next comes in the never married, single-mother family. The lowest rate is in the always-intact, married family. There are dramatic differences among these rates: 1, 2.07, 2.71, and 3.7. Family Stepfather Family Source: C. Harper and S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration,” ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.

35 Relative Rates of Physical Abuse by Family Structure
Source NIS-4, 2010 12 10.3 10 8 6 5.2 4.3 3.6 4 This new data (2010) above, is from the U.S. Federal Government’s National Incidence Survey of Child Abuse and Neglect. The always intact married family has the lowest level of physical abuse and the step cohabiting family (biological parent and cohabiting partner) has the highest level of physical abuse. 3.1 2 1.0 Always Intact Single Parent Not living with Intact Cohabiting Step Married Step Cohabiting Married Family Family either parent Family Family Family

36 Relative Rates of Sexual Abuse by Family Structure
Source NIS-4, 2010 25 19.8 20 15 10.6 8.6 10 A similar phenomenon occurs in the rates of sexual abuse though there are slightly different rank orderings in the middle rates. 4.8 5 5 1 Always Intact Single Parent Intact Cohabiting Step Married Not living with Step Cohabiting Married Family Family Family Family either parent Family

37 U.S: Partner / Spouse Violence
Against Mothers Over 20 With Children under 12 Source DOJ Nat Crime Victimization Survey 1999 35 33 30 25 20 Rate Per 1,000 15 15 Spouse and partner abuse varies significantly by family structure: Contrary to the radical feminist critique the safest place for women is in the married family (though when divorce or separation takes place there is a very significant rise in abuse). However even taking these divorce and separation rates into account the ‘ever-married’ woman experiences a much lower rate of abuse than does the ‘never-married’ woman. Cohabitation is a form of ‘belonging’ that has much greater rates of abuse. Married men are the most protective of their wives and children. 10 6 4 5 Married Widowed Married+Div+Sep Never Married Combined

38 Fundamental Tasks CHURCH Gov Market School Church Family
These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

39 GPA (English & Math) by Religious Practice
Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. 2.90 2.9 2.85 2.80 2.8 2.75 2.70 2.7 Average GPA Enligsh/Math Combined 2.65 Drawing on the AdHealth Survey, the largest of its kind, we see that religious attendance has a dramatic impact on educational attainment. The more frequently high schoolers worship, the better they perform in school. 2.6 2.60 2.55 2.50 2.45 WEEKLY+ MONTHLY+ <MONTHLY NEVER

40 Hard Drugs / Church Attendance
Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. Worship protects adolescents and society from many risks ..In this case we see its impact on drug use. The less that adolescents worship the more likely they are to use drugs.

41 Girls: Number of Sex Partners / Church Attendance
Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. Girls who worship weekly are most likely to remain virgins and be chaste. The less they worship the more likely they are to seek sexual fulfillment outside of marriage.

42 Church + Family Together
Fundamental Tasks: Church + Family Together Gov Market School Church Family These same five tasks need to be accomplished by the mature adult in order to live a complete and balanced life. Begetting and forming the next generation (marriage and children) Dealing with transcendent truths (worship, prayer, reflection) Learning and teaching throughout the lifetime Taking care of material needs (income and savings) Being prepared to use physical force if necessary for the good of the family and when called upon, for the good of society

43 GPA Who does best in school ?
This is a snap shot of the teenagers of the whole United States. And we are looking at their combined Math and English scores. In this and the following charts the always-intact-married family that worships most frequently does best. Lack of marriage or lack of worship (--- he next two scores, one red (broken family), one blue (intact family) --- leads to lesser scores. The children who do worst – red, n the back corner – those from broken families who rarely or never worship. College professors and employers take note. Where will your best and brightest come from?

44 Percentage Who Have Repeated a Grade in School
by Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 45% 42% 40% 40% 35% Percentage Who Have Repeated a Grade 30% 25% 25% 25% 20% PROMISCUOUS** 15% CHASTE* NEVER WEEKLY Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners Combined Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *No sexual partners if the individual is single, only one sexual partner if the individual is married. **Have had more than three sexual partners in the last 12 months.

45 Number of Sex Partners for Girls
1.55 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.14 0.93 1.00 0.80 0.60 Here we see the huge impact of belonging in the family and belonging to God (as measured by rates of worship) on the rates of virginity of U.S. adolescent girls. 0.40 0.47 0.20 ANY REJECTION 0.00 INTACT/COHABIT(NATURAL) <MONTHLY/NEVER WEEKLY/MONTHLY+

46 Self Control: Hard Drug Use
Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. Here we see the combined effect of worship and intact family life on drug use among adolescents. The two high worshipping families are those to the right. The “low – to – no” worship families are the two to the left. The blue families are the always intact married families and the red are those where the natural parents have split from each other (divorced, always single, step and separated).

47 By Family Structure and Religious Practice
Grand Theft By Family Structure and Religious Practice Source: Adolescent Health Survey, Wave I. Adolescents grade 7-12. 23.5% 0.25 0.2 15.8% 15.3% 0.15 Percent Who Committed Grand Theft 11.7% 0.1 Both intact marriage and rates of worship have their beneficial effects in reducing the rates of grand theft among teenagers. 0.05 ANY REJECTION The culture is all about how we belong to each other at different levels and in different ways. At the heart of culture is ‘cult’ …the practice of worship of God. All the following data is from the Federal Government’s own survey. INTACT/COHABIT(NATURAL) <MONTHLY/NEVER WEEKLY/MONTHLY+

48 Behavioral Problems Index (Nationally Normed Percentile Score)
Administered to Individuals Aged 13-22 by Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 70% 70% 68% 66% 64% 64% 62% 63% 60% Behavioral Problems Index 58% 56% 57% 54% PROMISCUOUS** 52% 50% CHASTE* NEVER WEEKLY Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners Combined Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *No sexual partners if the individual is single, only one sexual partner if the individual is married. **Have had more than three sexual partners in the last 12 months.

49 Percentage Who Have Been Convicted of a Crime
by Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 45% 41% 40% 35% 30% 25% 25% 26% Percentage Who Have Ever Been Convicted of a Crime 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% PROMISCUOUS** 0% CHASTE* NEVER WEEKLY Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners Combined Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *No sexual partners if the individual is single, only one sexual partner if the individual is married. **Have had more than three sexual partners in the last 12 months.

50 Percentage Who Have Completed High School
by Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 75% 70% 71% 65% 64% 60% 55% Percentage Who Have Completed High School 55% 50% 46% 45% 40% PROMISCUOUS** 35% 30% CHASTE* NEVER WEEKLY Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners Combined Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *No sexual partners if the individual is single, only one sexual partner if the individual is married. **Have had more than three sexual partners in the last 12 months.

51 Percentage Who Have Completed Some College
by Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners, America Overall Source: NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Survey ( ) 45% 45% 40% 35% 35% 30% Percentage Who Have Completed Some College 25% 22% 24% 20% 15% 10% PROMISCUOUS** 5% 0% CHASTE* NEVER WEEKLY Current Religious Attendance and Number of Sexual Partners Combined Scott Talkington, Ph.D. MARRIAGE AND RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE *No sexual partners if the individual is single, only one sexual partner if the individual is married. **Have had more than three sexual partners in the last 12 months.

52 Index of Belonging, Ethnic Groups
Source: American Community Survey 2008 70.0% 62.0% 60.0% 53.8% 50.0% 45.4% 40.2% 40.0% 30.0% 23.8% 17.4% 20.0% This chart illustrates the national belonging index (on the left-hand side) and the belonging index for each major ethnic group in the United States. 10.0% 0.0% U.S. Black American Indian & Hispanic White Asian Alaskan Native

53 Society’s Foundational Relationship
As we come to the end of the presentation we can now see more clearly how the practice deep in the family of the two great loves, love of God and love of neighbor, worship and marriage, are the foundations of every flourishing society.

54 Marriage / Child Relationship
The Non-Thriving Marriage / Child Relationship When mother and father are in tension, conflict, or separated, children feel it and are weakened by it. This is the constant lesson of family therapy with young and mid-childhood children. Eliminate the conflict between the parents

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