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Presentation on theme: "Swimming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swimming

2 What is swimming? Swimming is a very popular physical activity, is a method of movement in the water. Swimming is also a sport.

3 Swimming styles Butterfly (fly)-is considered to be the most difficult of the four main styles. This style is very effective, but it requires a lot of strength and coordination.

4 Backstrocke (back crawl or the upside-down freestyle)- is the only style of swimming in which we swim on the back. Backstroke swimming is very healthy for the backbone.

5 The breaststroke is a swimming style in which the swimmer is on his or her chest and the torso does not rotate. It is the most popular recreational style.

6 Crawl Crawl isn't a swimming style. In the competition swimmers usually swim front crawl in freestyle competitions.

7 Olympic swimming pool has dimensions of 50 x 25 m, with a minimum depth of 2 meters. It has 10 tracks, each with a width of 2.5 m. Olympic games

8 Famous Polish swimmers
Otylia Jędrzejczak- the Olympic swimmer, world and European champion and world record holder. She was three times chosen for the best Polish athlete.

9 Paweł Korzeniowski Multiple record holder, Polish champion and vice- champion , European champion, Olympic winner (Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008).

10 The best swimmer of the world
Michael Phelps

11 If you want to start swimming...
You only need: swimming cap swimsuit And you can go to the swimming pool, the nearest is in Jaworzno swimming goggles

12 Bibliografia
Przygotowała: Maria Nosal

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