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Concrete Poetry Meshea Cook Dana Singleton Grade 4 ECED 4300 A

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1 Concrete Poetry Meshea Cook Dana Singleton Grade 4 ECED 4300 A
Dr. Root

2 Meshea Cook Prewriting: GPS Standard
ELA4W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.

3 Meshea Cook Prewriting: PLO
The student will plan their writing independently using a graphic organizer.

4 Meshea Cook Prewriting: Form
Concrete Poetry shape Poetry words and phrases describing the subject written in the shape of the subject

5 Meshea Cook Prewriting: Stage
stage 1 of the writing process determine form, topic, purpose, and audience words and phrases graphic organizer

6 Meshea Cook Published Model

7 Meshea Cook Published Model
APA Citation Smith, C. (Photographer). Sailboat. [Web]. Retrieved on Oct. 21, 2010 from

8 Meshea Cook Prewriting: Practice Activity
shared Writing class develops a concrete poetry graphic organizer collaboratively teacher will record information on graphic organizer

9 Meshea Cook Prewriting: Graphic Organizer

10 Meshea Cook Prewriting: Assessment Activity
concrete poetry graphic organizer independently complete graphic organizer

11 Dana Singleton Drafting: GPS Standard
ELA4W4. The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.

12 Dana Singleton Drafting: PLO
Students will draft a concrete poem using their graphic organizer.

13 Dana Singleton Drafting: Form
Concrete Poetry arrangement of words in the shape of something it is describing visual poem words can create the outline of the word or object it is describing

14 Dana Singleton Drafting: Stage
second stage of the writing process use thoughts from graphic organizer for poem will be messy do not worry about mechanical or spelling errors

15 Dana Singleton Published Model

16 Dana Singleton Published Model
APA Citation Alexander, S. (Artist) (2009, March 25). Arts for life. Retrieved from on October 23, 2010.

17 Dana Singleton Drafting: Practice Activity
shared writing class develops a draft using graphic organizer students will dictate to teacher draft will be in the form of the object or person they are describing

18 Dana Singleton Drafting: Assessment Activity
use their personal graphic organizers to write a draft draft should be in the shape of what object or person described in poem

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