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A Graphic Organizer for 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction

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1 A Graphic Organizer for 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction
West Virginia Department of Education

2 21st Century CURRICULUM What we need to teach in a 21st century school
21st Century CURRICULUM What we need to teach in a 21st century school. (Day Four Clinic Sessions)

3 21st Century Instruction How we need to teach in a 21st century school
21st Century Instruction How we need to teach in a 21st century school. (Clinic Sessions)


5 Process: We want to role model 21st century instructional processes so: You will function in a 7 member Professional Learning Community Each person on your team will become a mini expert on an area of 21st century curriculum and/or instruction. You will “teach” your area of expertise to to your team

6 Directions Attend your selected clinic and take notes using the graphic org. Meet with your “expert group” (people who attended the same clinic)to share information and fine tune key points. Return to your PLC and teach your area of “expertise” to your team members. Americans must declare war on complacency and ignorance—enemies surely as dangerous to our nation’s survival as any terrorist cell or foreign power. We must all join in the battle. . .educators, politicians, parents, and citizens of every stripe must be awakened with a true sense of urgency. As educators we are equipped better than ever before with the knowledge of 21st century curriculum, skills, and assessments that lead to high levels of achievement for all. It is our obligation to creatively present learning opportunities designed to restore learner’s motivation to the same or higher levels readily observable in other cultures such as China and India.

7 Directions(Cont’d) Repeat the process on Thursday.
Complete the culminating activity: Assess current 21st century curriculum and instruction in your school (strengths and needs) Determine possible implications for your 5-year strategic plan Americans must declare war on complacency and ignorance—enemies surely as dangerous to our nation’s survival as any terrorist cell or foreign power. We must all join in the battle. . .educators, politicians, parents, and citizens of every stripe must be awakened with a true sense of urgency. As educators we are equipped better than ever before with the knowledge of 21st century curriculum, skills, and assessments that lead to high levels of achievement for all. It is our obligation to creatively present learning opportunities designed to restore learner’s motivation to the same or higher levels readily observable in other cultures such as China and India.

8 Your mini-lesson should teach: Why? What?
Why is this area of study important? What? What is a good “working definition” of this area? How? How should this be implemented in schools and classrooms?

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