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Paragraph Writing September 8, 2015 Ms. Planeta.

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1 Paragraph Writing September 8, 2015 Ms. Planeta

2 HOMEWORK Journal Prompt #1 due Monday (9/14).
-Submit PLEASE graphic organizer with journal. 2. Contact/Movie forms due tomorrow (9/9).

3 PLEASE fill in the acronym:
Note: An ‘acronym’ is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of other words and pronounced as a word. P:_________________________________ L:_________________________________ E:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ S:_________________________________ Famous Acronyms: LOL NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) FBI AKA

4 Check Your Work! P: Pick a Topic L: List Your Ideas About a Topic
E: Evaluate Your List A: Activate Your Paragraph with a Topic Sentence S: Supply Supporting Sentences E: End with a Concluding Sentence and Evaluate Your Work! How did you do? Score yourself at the top of your paper… # Correct/6

5 P: Pick a Topic The first step before writing is to decide a general topic that is directly related to the open-response question. Pick a topic or ask yourself, “What are you going to be writing about?” “I am going to be writing about ____________________________________________________________________ ______________.”

6 L: List Your Ideas About a Topic
Now that you have decided a topic it’s a good idea to brainstorm different ways to approach the topic. List your ideas about a topic or ask yourself, “What do I know about (the topic)?” ***List at least FOUR ideas***

7 E: Evaluate Your List Evaluating your list means checking the list you made and making sure everything is correct. Compare your list to the topic… does everything connect? Do you see any two list items that connect to each other? If yes, continue with the graphic organizer. If no, formulate more ideas for your list.

8 A: Activate Your Paragraph with a Topic Sentence
The Topic Sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. The Topic Sentence introduces the paragraph. A Topic Sentence needs to tell what your are writing about (must include the Topic!) Example: Michael Jordan was one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Formula: Topic Broad Statement Michael Jordan + One of the greatest basketball players of all time

9 S: Supply Supporting Sentences
Supporting sentences give detail; they explain the topic sentence to the reader. Supporting sentences begin with transitional words such as: first, next, then, also, furthermore…. Use the organizer to make each supporting sentence. Make sure each supporting sentence has a detail!

10 E: End with a Concluding Sentence and Evaluate Your Work
___ Did I indent my paragraph? ___ Does each sentence begin with a capital letter? ___ Does each sentence end with a period or other punctuation? ___ Did I check for spelling? A concluding sentence summarizes your paragraph. To summarize, ask yourself, “What did I learn?” A concluding sentence begins with the word finally. Example: Finally, I learned _______________________________ __________________.

“In a well-developed composition, describe a time when you decided to give something up for a good reason. Explain what happened, why you made your decision, and how you felt afterward.” P (Pick a Topic): Giving up my hair for Locks of Love L (List Your Ideas About a Topic): 1) Gave up 10 inches of hair and cut mine very short. (What happened) 2) Wanted to help people who needed wigs. (Why you made your decision) 3) I felt sad that my hair was so short. (How you felt afterward) 4) Also felt happy I made a difference in someone’s life. (How you felt afterward) E (Evaluate Your List): YES/NO A (Activate Your Paragraph w/ Topic Sentence): When I was eighteen years old, I gave up my hair to a charity called, “Locks of Love”. S (Supply Supporting Sentences): 1) First, I went to the hairdresser and she told me I needed to take off at least ten inches of hair. 2) Even though my hair would be very short, I decided it was worth it to donate my hair to people who needed wigs. 3) After, when I saw how short my hair was, I had mixed feelings. I was sad to see my hair go, but I also felt happy I made a difference in someone else’s life. E (End with a Conclusion and Evaluate): Sometimes giving is the best gift you can receive.

12 Letter to Yourself Write a letter addressed to yourself to be opened at the end of the school year!

13 All Letters Must Include...
Heading: This is on the top of the letter and includes your address and the date. Salutation: “Dear _____________,” Write the name of the person you are writing to on the line, finished with a comma. Body: The body of the letter is the text you are writing in your letter. Closing: A short way to wrap up the letter before the signature. Always has a comma after. Example “Sincerely,” or “From,” Signature: The signature is where you sign your name under the closing.

14 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Salutation 1. Heading Dear _________________________________, 3. Body __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Closing Sincerely, _______________________________________ 5. Signature

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