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Activating Activity 09/06/2016

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1 Activating Activity 09/06/2016
Quiz your Face Partner Spend 10 minutes from the bell quizzing your Face Partner on the Vocabulary words.. When the timer sounds turn your Vocabulary Organizers in to the Turn In Folder. Move to the computer WITH YOUR NAME and log into Google Classroom. Sit SILENTLY and wait until all students have logged in. HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Read pages , due 9/7. Reading Questions from Textbook, due 9/8. Update Argument Organizer, Reading Questions, and Characterization Chart. Reminders – Letter, was due at start of class 9/2 Character Analysis Essay, was due 9/1 Full Vocabulary Quiz, ALL WORDS, was 9/6. Vocabulary Organizers were due on 9/6. BNN

2 Agenda 09/06/2016 Activating Activity – Quiz your Partner BNN Agenda
LEQ & Objectives Classroom Expectations Habits of Mind Vocabulary Quiz #1 Reading Theater Summarizing Activity – Short Response HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Read pages , due 9/7. Reading Questions from Textbook, due 9/8. Update Argument Organizer, Reading Questions, and Characterization Chart. Reminders – Letter, was due at start of class 9/2 Character Analysis Essay, was due 9/1 Full Vocabulary Quiz, ALL WORDS, was 9/6. Vocabulary Organizers were due on 9/6. Class is from 10:30 – 11:50

3 Essential Questions and Objectives
Unit Essential Question: How does the literature of early America reflect the beliefs of its authors? Lesson Essential Questions: What are the causes and effects of social judgements? Objectives Students Will… • Analyze narrative accounts and connect them to how people are using the American narrative tradition today. • Compare and contrast a variety of narrative texts. • Identify the theme or themes in texts read and describe how the author develops them. • Compare and contrast literature with biographies of authors and videos of some of the issues at hand. • Compare the experience of reading a text and watching a similar film. • Write in a variety of modes. • Read a variety of narrative text to identify theme and make connections to modern day culture. • Create a journal or other tool to depict the point of view of various characters. • Create a graphic organizer to guide discussion about modern societal problems and contrast attitudes, reactions, and consequences.

4 Classroom Expectations
Every student WILL: Treat every person in the classroom with respect. Come to class prepared and with only the items needed for this class. Use appropriate language in the classroom. Listen quietly while others are talking to the class. Cooperate in class. Remain seated in their assigned seat unless told otherwise by the teacher. Respect the classroom and materials. Use equipment and materials properly. Follow all of the school policies and procedures. Every student WILL NOT: Have visible or use electronic devices in the classroom WITHOUT direction from teacher. Wear or have visible headphones, earbuds, or similar. Bring food, gum, or drinks (other than water) into the classroom. Wear hats, hoods, or other item on their head. Use swear words or other inappropriate language. Touch anything belonging to the teacher or classroom including the teacher’s desk, white boards, materials, etc, without prior permission from the teacher.

5 Habits Of Mind “Nature has given men one tongue and two ears, that we may hear twice as much as we speak.” –Epictetus

6 Vocabulary Quiz Google Classroom/Go Formative
When prompted you may click the link in classroom to access the Vocabulary Quiz. The quiz is worth 25 Tests/Quizzes points. If you talk during the quiz session (which does not end until EVERY STUDENT HAS FINISHED) you will lose 2 points PER OCCURRENCE! When you are finished log off of the computer and return to your assigned seat. Take out a clean sheet of notebook paper and write the following in the top right corner: Your Name Today’s Date Period 2 Due Date = __________ Then, open your textbook to page 1186 and begin to read that page.

7 Evaluating Arguments Building Knowledge & Insight BNN
Open your textbook to page 1186. Carefully read this page. Create a graphic organizer as explained in #2, Preparing to Read Complex Texts to take notes on the court proceedings as we read them. BNN

8 Reading Theater The Crucible, Act III
We will begin to read Act III in a reading theater style where students will read assigned roles. Our reading goal is so please read efficiently! Below are the Role Assignments for Today: Hawthorne: Tyrese Martha Corey: Lasheikia Giles: Luke Danforth: Nic Herrick: Kelly Hale: Jamie Parris: Eddrick Francis: Khadijah Proctor: Dorian Mary Warren: Jessica Cheever: Chaney Brown

9 Post Reading Questions
The Crucible Act III HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT DUE 9/8 (SOC) Take out a clean sheet of notebook paper. Write the following in the top right corner: Your Name Today’s Date Period 2 Due Date = SOC 9/08 On the title line write: The Crucible Act III Questions

10 Post Reading Questions
The Crucible Act III HOMEWORK DUE 9/8, SOC Turn back to page 1187 in your text. Complete the questions located in the outside margin of pages Questions 1187 = Comprehension 1188 = Characterization & Critical Viewing 1189 = Characterization & Comprehension 1190 = Evaluating Arguments & Vocabulary 1191 = Characterization & Comprehension 1192 = Evaluating Arguments 1193 = Verbal Irony & Comprehension

11 Summarizing Activity 09/06/2016
Short Response Respond to the following in a minimum of 3 SENTENCES in your Activating/Summarizing section: How is Danforth’s view unlike that of most judges today? As always, 11th grade Writing Expectations apply…NO FIRST PERSON! HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Read pages , due 9/7. Reading Questions from Textbook, due 9/8. Update Argument Organizer, Reading Questions, and Characterization Chart. Reminders – Letter, was due at start of class 9/2 Character Analysis Essay, was due 9/1 Full Vocabulary Quiz, ALL WORDS, was 9/6. Vocabulary Organizers were due on 9/6.

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