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Parts of the The Digestive System

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1 Parts of the The Digestive System

2 Anatomical Terms

3 Medial- towards the midline of the body
Lateral- away from the midline of the body Anterior (ventral)- front of the body Posterior (dorsal)- back of the body Superior (cranial)- toward the head Inferior (caudal) – away from the head Proximal- in proximity to or closer to Distal- distant from or further away from


5 Pathway of Food: A) Mouth (oral cavity)
Hard palate- bony anterior portion of the roof of the mouth Soft palate- entirely muscular posterior part of the roof of the mouth

6 Tonsils- protection against disease
Salivary glands- has an enzyme that are involved in chemical digestion

7 B) Teeth - used to break down (masticate) food

8 C) Pharynx - portion of the digestive tract between the mouth and the esophagus Serves as a passageway for food and also air on its way to the trachea



11 D) Esophagus -muscular tube passing from the pharynx through the thoracic cavity into the abdominal cavity to the stomach

12 Usually collapses until it receives bolus
Peristalsis- rhythmic contraction that pushes food along the digestive tract Sphincter is located between the esophagus and the stomach to prevent acidic content from coming up


14 Heartburn/indigestions/acid reflux- when stomach contents enter the esophagus

15 Stomach “Gastric” Muscular sac that mixes food with digestive juices to form chyme which enters the small intestine Length- 25 cm Rugae- deep folds in the wall of the stomach Protein digestion begins Mechanical and chemical digestion


17 Gastric glands secrete gastric juices:
Enzymes and HCl Stomach empties in 2-6 hours Chyme enters small intestine via a sphincter Mucous- help protect the lining of the stomach wall

18 Ulcer- open sore in the wall of the stomach caused by the break down of tissue.

19 F) Small intestine Named for its small diameter Absorb nutrients 6 m in length Bile (from the liver) and pancreatic juices (from the pancreas) are emptied into the small intestine

20 Bile emulsifies fats Pancreatic juices- aid in digestion and neutralize acidic content coming from the stomach The small intestine has a huge surface area- tennis court

21 G) Large intestine Function- absorb water, salts and vitamins Parts include: cecum, appendix, colon (ascending, transverse and descending) and rectum


23 When feces are forced into the rectum by peristalsis a defecation reflex occurs
Stretching of intestinal wall sends a message to the spinal cord. Shortly after the rectal walls contract and the anal sphincter relaxes.

24 Waste Elimination Defecation is a way in which the body maintains homeostasis Feces are ¾ water and ¼ solids- include bacteria and indigestible remains Polyps Constipation and diarrhea Diarrhea can be caused by nervous stimulation or infection

25 When a person is constipated, the feces are dry and hard
Water and fiber will help!

26 Assignment Choose 10 structures/processes that have been presented about the digestive system For each structure write “who/what am I?” questions- I am a process that helps move food along the digestive tract by rhythmic contractions.... I am ______________________________

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