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The Outsiders Chapter 7, 8, and 9.

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1 The Outsiders Chapter 7, 8, and 9

2 Quick Write-January 30, 2017 Do you have any brothers or sisters that are difficult to talk with? How come you think they’re hard to talk with? What would make it easier to talk with them? What do you think about them being your siblings? And if you don’t have any brothers or sisters, who are the people closest to you that you are as close as siblings to you? What makes them so close to you?

3 Chapter 7 Vocabulary Mimicking-imitating or copying action, speech, etc. Radiates-projects or glows with cheerfulness, joy, goodwill, etc. Bleak- without hope or encouragement; depressing Drawled-spoke with lengthened or drawn-out vowels Cocksure-perfectly sure or certain; completely confident in one’s own mind Recurring-returning again to the mind; occurring again Aghast-struck with overwhelming shock or amazement Exploits-brilliant or heroic acts or deeds; adventures Contemptuously- scornfully; showing or expressing contempt or disdain

4 The students will learn how to determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. Read The Outsiders-Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Summary Chapter 7 Top 10 and Theme Quotes Character Virtues

5 Quick Write January 31, 2017 If Johnny killed Bob out of self-defense, why did he and Ponyboy run away from the police? What were they afraid of?

6 Quick Write –February 1, 2017 What do you think makes someone a hero?
Have you ever had a legitimate hero in your life? What made them a hero? Do Ponyboy, Johnny, or Dally prove themselves as heroes? How?

7 Chapter 8 Vocabulary numbly—without the capability of taking action or feeling emotion faltered—spoke unsteadily; stammered resemblance—similarity of appearance; likeness divert—to distract; to turn away from doggedly—showing persistent effort; inflexibly; stubbornly; tenaciously

8 The students will learn how to determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. Chapter 8 Vocabulary Chapter 8 Summary Chapter 8 Top 10 and Theme Quotes Character Virtues Write a Letter: Pretend to be a character from your story. Write a letter from that character’s perspective. Include details from the story.

9 Quick Write-February 2, 2017 How does the death of someone close to us change or alter our view of life? What does Darry mean when he says, “You don’t just stop living because you lose someone”? What makes that difficult or easy for you?

10 Chapter 9 Vocabulary mortal—severe; extreme; intense
grimacing—making an ugly or contorted facial expression, indicating pain, disapproval, etc. affectionately—warmly; lovingly; fondly superiority—the condition of being superior or better than menace—a person whose actions or ideas are considered harmful or dangerous conformity—acting according to social standards or practices; compliance stifled—suppressed; withheld leery—suspicious; wary contempt—scorn; disgrace; dishonor; disapproval contracted— drew together; shrunk; condensed agony—intense physical or mental suffering

11 The students will learn how to determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. Read The Outsiders-Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Summary Chapter 9 Top 10 and Theme Quotes Pick a scene from Chapter 9; draw a detailed picture and then write your own description of what is happening.

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