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environment infrastructure

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1 environment infrastructure
General verification environment infrastructure and the verification of the Ethernet1G peripheral device

2 Verilog as an HDL design language
Hardware Description Languages, or HDLs, are languages used to design hardware with. they contains the capability to describe the function of a piece of hardware independently of the implementation . A special compiler compiles the high language into flops and gates for production.

3 Verification, why? 1 bug = = 0.5 million US$
Silicon chips are very difficult to debug Concept checking

4 E language as a verification language
1. Strong generation capabilities 2. Easy to use coverage data base 3. Strong temporal capabilities 4. Dynamic inheritance 5. Integrated industrial standard HDL simulators API 6. Build in test reconstructing capabilities

5 Directed test methodology
Defining feature list (spec) Writing test plan Designing a test per feature Implementing a test per feature Debugging the tests Debugging bugs in the DUT

6 Random input generation methodology
Covarage data base Score board Generation Engine Verification environment DUT

7 Random input generation benefits
Reaches most of the wanted inputs and scenarios very quickly Coverage items are easier to implement than tests Gives the verification engineer a hole image of the DUT bug status quickly In the future:The generator will take the coverage status as an input (loop back) and the process will converge automatically

8 The similarities between verification environments
Configuration object: Registers mirror Test modes: environment operation flags Injectors and collectors(eVCs) Test terminating mechanism Scoreboards: checking objects Basic flow: signals init , reset , configuration, test special scenario and termination

9 Network processor structure
Protocol processor FLASH Processor bus DMA External memory Network processor Network processor Peripheral bus Hdlc serial ATM serial Ethernet serial TDM serial POS serial

10 Ethernet1G verification environment structure
RX scoreboard RX NP RX DMA Ethernet injector RX device PP Ethernet collector TX device TX NP TX DMA TX scoreboard

11 Results Coverage:100% coverage items where defined by HDL engineers on implementation and verification engineers on environment inputs Bugs: 8 bugs found

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