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Xerostomia In the name of God.

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Presentation on theme: "Xerostomia In the name of God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xerostomia In the name of God

2 Symptomatic Treatments:
Sip water frequently all day long Let ice melt in the mouth Restrict caffeine intake Avoid mouth rinses containing alcohol Humidify sleeping area Coat lips with lubricant.

3 Coat the lips with a petroleum jelly like Vaseline, Blistex, or lanolin.
Maintain good oral hygiene. Floss daily. Brush at least twice a day. Use toothpaste with fluoride and alcohol free (e.g. Biotene toothpaste).

4 Avoid Tobacco use, spicy, salty, and highly acidic foods that irritate the mouth.

5 Saliva Substitutes: Rx:
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose* 0.5% aqueous solution [OTC] Disp: 8 fl. Oz. Sig: Use as a rinse as frequently as needed. *Generic carboxymethyl cellulose solutions may be prepared by a pharmacist.

6 Commercial Salivary Substitute
Commercial oral moisturizing gels (OTC) includes: OralBalance. XERO-Lube Salivart Moi-Stir Orex Optimoist

7 Commercial Oral Moisturizing Gels [OTC]:
Laclede Oral Balance



10 Saliva Stimulants: The use of sugar free gum, lemon drops or mints are conservative methods to temporarily stimulate salivary flow in patients with medication xerostomia or with salivary gland dysfunction.

11 Rx: Biotine chewing gum [OTC] Disp: 1 package
Sig: Chew as needed. Due to problems of abrasion of the mucosa under the denture and potential adhesion of the gum to the denture, use caution if the patient has removable dentures.

12 Rx: Cevimeline (Evoxac) Capsules 30 mg Disp: 21 tablets
Sig: Take 1 tablet tid.

13 Rx: Bethanechol (Urecholine) tablets 25 mg Disp: 30 tablets
Sig: Take 1 tablet up to 5 times daily.

14 Thank you for your attention !!

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