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#1 #4 #2 #7 #5 #3 #6.

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Presentation on theme: "#1 #4 #2 #7 #5 #3 #6."— Presentation transcript:

1 #1 #4 #2 #7 #5 #3 #6

2 Still 3 1 4 7 2 5 3 6

3 READ SILENTLY… Underline While you Circle words you don’t know.
the definition of any bold vocabulary words. Circle any words you don’t know. Write down thoughts and questions.

4 Muhammad receives revelation from the archangel Gabriel.
“Allah is the one God.”

5 caravans a company of travelers on a journey; includes people, animals, vehicles, etc.

6 the holy shrine in Mecca
The Ka’ba the holy shrine in Mecca

7 praying to a picture, statue, or other inanimate object
idol idol worship praying to a picture, statue, or other inanimate object

8 a journey of a pilgrim, especially one to a shrine or a sacred place
pilgrimage a journey of a pilgrim, especially one to a shrine or a sacred place

9 Mount Hira (Paragraph #1, Sentence #3)
1. There is one God, called Allah. 2. Charity – “sharing wealth with the weak and poor” – is important. (Paragraph #3, Sentences #3-4) 1. Annual pilgrimage of Arab pagans (Paragraph #2, Sentence #2) 2. Rituals performed at the Kaba 3. Idol worship (Paragraph #5, Sentence #2) There was resistance in Mecca to Muhammad because Meccans feared pilgrimages to the pagan shrine would end and business would slack. (Paragraph #4, Sentences #1-5) Discussion around Paragraph #4, Sentences #6-9 1. confession of belief 2. prayer five times a day 3. Ramadan, an annual month-long fast 4. giving alms to the poor 5. the pilgrimage to Mecca (All from Paragraph #5, Sentence #5) Paragraph #1, Sentence #4 Paragraph #2, Sentence #2 AND #2 above Paragraph #2, Sentence #2 Paragraph #3, Sentence #4 Paragraph #3, Sentence #6 Paragraph #5, Sentence #5

10 Timeline Background Essay 570 CE Muhammad is born in Mecca.
610 CE Archangel Gabriel first speaks to Muhammad. 622 CE Muhammad leads the first Muslims to safety in Medina. 628 CE Muhammad returns to Mecca. Islam spreads back to Mecca. 632 CE Muhammad dies. 636 CE Battle of Yarmuk. Muslims defeat the army of the Byzantine Empire. 692 CE The Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine, is finished in Jerusalem. 710 CE Muslim forces land in Spain.

11 All sources were found using Google Images
All sources were found using Google Images. Image Location links are listed below by slide number. (photo) (painting) (outside the shrine during Hajj) (cross section of the inside of the shrine) (Golden Calf idol) (idols) 5) (mountain pilgrimage) (walking to Mecca)

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