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Model Sharing and Collaboration using HydroShare

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1 Model Sharing and Collaboration using HydroShare
Jonathan L. Goodall, Mohamed M. Morsy, Anthony M. Castronova Brian Miles, Venkatesh Merwade, and David G. Tarboton Research Objectives and Vision Model Resource Metadata Analysis HydroShare Implementation Objectives Metadata framework for the hydrologic model concepts consists of new metadata terms in addition to the core ones defined by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). The metadata elements become more complicated as we move from general resource types (Model Instance) to more specific resource types (SWAT Model Instance). Use Case Description Develop a metadata framework for sharing water models. Implement this metadata framework in the HydroShare online collaboration environment. Rocky Branch is an urban watershed located in downtown Columbia, South Carolina, USA. Because a significant portion of the watershed is developed, high intensity storms that typically occur during the summertime result in flooding at many locations within the watershed. Our research objective is to better understand the potential of distributed stormwater controls, rain gardens, as a retrofit for flood mitigation within an urbanized watershed. The EPA stormwater management model (SWMM 5) was applied to model the Rocky Branch watershed. Vision Sharing water models and associated datasets with the broader scientific community. Creating interoperability between HydroShare and external systems like SWATShare to combine the collaboration and sharing capabilities of HydroShare with SWATShare online model execution capabilities. Executing hydrologic models directly through the HydroShare environment. Model Program We submitted a journal paper describing our study and wish to also publish the model instances resulting from the study. We have already received requests for the model instances used in our study and we expect these requests to increase once the paper is published. We believe the model instance is an important product from our work and would like it to be published and citable as well. The research was funded by NSF and we would like to publish the model instance as part of our data management plan. Model Resources, Concepts and Relationships Model Resources are model-related resource types within HydroShare including Model Program, Model Instance, and SWAT Model Instance. Implementation Model Instance Create Create Model Program Resource Model Instance Resource Executed by only one Model Program Executes one or more Model Instances Model Instance Specific Metadata Model Program Specific Metadata SWAT Model Instance Model Instance Coverage Metadata A Model Program resource is the model’s logic (Model Engine). A Model Instance resource is the input (required) and output (optional) data for a model run for a specific time and place. The Model Program resource can be related to many Model Instance resources to completely describe a simulation and the exact software version used to enable replication of model results.  Model Program Specific Metadata in XML Model Instance Specific Metadata in XML dc: Dublin Core Metadata (DCM). hsterms: HydroShare extended metadata for specific resource. ( /terms) Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. (2012). Dublin core metadata element set, version 1.1. Morsy, M.M., J.L. Goodall, C. Bandaragoda, A.M. Castronova, J. Greenberg (2014).Metadata for describing water models, in Proceedings of the 7th InternationalCongress on Environmental Modelling and Software, San Diego, CA, June 15-19, Rossman, L., T.Schade, D.Sullivan, R.Dickinson, C.Chan, E.Burgess (2015). Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), HydroShare, Morsy, M. (2015). Rocky Branch watershed simulation, HydroShare,  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. ACI and ACI

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