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Africa Regional Workshop on Vulnerable Populations and HIV/AIDS

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1 Africa Regional Workshop on Vulnerable Populations and HIV/AIDS

2 MSM in Mauritania They are named Gordjguen;
Belong to several categories: Have a role in the society: some of them are very influent; have good relations ; good chanel of news and events in the city

3 Mauritania is a west african country, inhabitants, 100 % Muslim, with a conservative society and low prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS ( 0.61%) Prostitution and homosexuality and illegal and punished by the Law; Religious leaders are very influent in making decisions

4 Our approach in adressing vulnerable population issues
Authorities and decision makers sensitization and advocacy; Encourage and support two national NGOs to work with vulnerable population; Make available and accessible condoms, counsel and tests, and treatment

5 Results three years after
The majority of sex workers get free condoms through NGOs , tests and if necessary treatment. They trust in working with NGOs; MSM are also involved in the program and some of them have been trained as peer educators , they have access to prevention programs and the ones already infected receive care , treatment and IGA support

6 In conclusion Five years ago, nobody thought we can work with these vulnerable population; Advocacy and negociation are key elements; One’s should work with what he has, not wait to have everything to work

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