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Subphylum Mandibulata

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1 Subphylum Mandibulata
Order Decapoda Order Decapoda

2 Order Decapoda Large carapace that covers the thorax on the dorsal and sides Segmentation is only visible from the ventral surface Order Decapoda

3 Shrimps Active and efficient swimmers; pleopods are well-developed for swimming Uropods and telson can be used for swimming Pincers are on first three pairs of thoracic legs Commercially important shrimps belong to the families Penaeidae and Sicyoniidae Rock Shrimp Order Decapoda

4 Lobsters and Burrowing Shrimp
Contains the American and spiny lobster which are not closely related Both are large and capable of reaching two feet in length Large abdomen (muscular) well-developed uropod American lobster has a smooth carapace Closely related to ghost and mud shrimps (crawfish) Order Decapoda

5 Anomuran crabs Order Decapoda

6 Brachyuran Crabs True crabs, greatly reduced abdomen which is flexed to lie in a groove beneath the thorax Cephalothorax is dorsoventrally flattened and antennae are short Have one pair of pincers Swimmers have thinner shells and paddled swimmerets Sponge and shellback crabs cover themselves with tunicates, sponges etc. Order Decapoda

7 Brachyuran Crabs Order Decapoda

8 Brachyuran Crabs Portunid crabs – the most common and best know
Order Decapoda

9 Blue Crab Life Cycle Order Decapoda

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