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Bell Ringer Use your notes on Egyptian Religion to answer the following question: What evidence suggests the afterlife was important to the ancient Egyptians?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Use your notes on Egyptian Religion to answer the following question: What evidence suggests the afterlife was important to the ancient Egyptians?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Use your notes on Egyptian Religion to answer the following question: What evidence suggests the afterlife was important to the ancient Egyptians?

2 Note - Taking 1. Copy down the chart on p. 88 into your classroom notebook 2. Make sure it is titled, “Ancient Egyptian Culture”

3 Everyday Life Most of what we know about the ancient Egyptians is based on paintings from walls of tombs/temples and written records. Social Classes: Pharaoh Small Upper Class: Priests, Court Members, Nobles with large estates Middle Class: Merchants, Skilled Workers Peasants Slaves

4 Everyday Life A person could rise up to a higher social class usually through service to the Pharaoh. Slavery: Prisoners captured in war Slaves had rights – could own items, inherit land and be set free Peasants: Most worked the land of wealthier people Lives were greatly affected by the seasons for farming Women: Looked upon as living models of the goddess Isis Had most rights that men had – own property, run businesses, enter legal contracts

5 Achievements Writing in Ancient Egypt Writing Materials
Hieroglyphs: pictures and other written symbols that stand for ideas, things, or sounds. Began to use hieroglyphs because they needed a way to keep track of the kingdom’s growing wealth. Writing Materials Papyrus: an early form of paper made from a reed found in the marshy area of the Nile delta.

6 The Mystery of Hieroglyphics Revealed
The ability to read Egypt’s hieroglyphic writing was lost after the 400’s A.D. – in an important discovery allowed scholars to translate the mysterious pictures Rosetta Stone: large black stone discovered near the Nile River with hieroglyphs, another Egyptian script, and Greek letters that all had the same meaning allowing the translation of hieroglyphics.

7 Achievements Astronomers: scientists who study the stars and other objects in the sky. Figured out when the Nile River would flood based on star movements and the length of a year. Mathmatics: Used geometry along with adding, subtracting, fractions, etc. Medicine: Religion and medicine were closely connected Performed surgery and used plants to create medicines

8 RACE Rubric Exercise Use the rubric that was provided to you in order to answer the following question using the RACE writing strategy – you MUST use the text (p.88-93) in order to complete the assignment. How did the learning achievements of the Egyptians affect later civilizations?

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