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Elaboration of an economic development strategy

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1 Elaboration of an economic development strategy
Arl820s/arl821s: advanced regional and local economic development

2 outline Local economic development in Windhoek: context, mission, vision, roles, objectives, need and strategic thrusts

3 objective To examine in-depth the economic development strategy for the City of Windhoek

4 introduction Important role of Windhoek in national economy
Need for local economic development strategy to guide economic activity in the city

5 City of Windhoek local economic development (LED) strategy
Spans the period Takes into account different strategy and policy documents at national, regional and local levels Aligns with Namibia’s Vision 2030 document

6 context Location of Windhoek in centre of country
Windhoek’s economy is not based on fishing, mining or agriculture Economy based on manufacturing, wholesale, retail, real estate, the government sector and tourism

7 Windhoek: vision and mission
Vision: “To enhance the quality of life of all our people” Mission: “To render effective and efficient municipal services”

8 Role of city of Windhoek in led
Facilitation Promotion Creating opportunities Providing an enabling environment

9 Objectives of led strategy
Identify practical sectoral programmes Undertake focused analysis of major sectors Emphasise SMME development Create enabling environment and provide framework for LED implementation Emphasise city’s leadership and supportive roles Ensures alignment with existing strategies and private sector efforts

10 The need for led in Windhoek
Accelerated manufacturing growth, expansion and diversification Trade stimulation and business development Entrepreneurial support and small business development Tourism promotion

11 Need for accelerated manufacturing growth, expansion and diversification
Absence of an Industrial Investment/Development Strategy Poor resource planning Non-optimal exploitation of manufacturing potential

12 Need for trade stimulation and business development
Lack of locally produced goods in the market Absence of Investment Incentive Policy Need for SME support Lack of formal institutionalised structures to regulate public-private partnerships Need for a CBD Revitalisation Plan Sub-standard marketing of businesses, trade opportunities and available resources Little statistical information about local socio-economic conditions

13 Need for entrepreneurial support and small business development
Non-finalisation of City of Windhoek SME Strategy Lack of collaboration between SMEs and large businesses Absence of up-to-date SME database

14 Need for tourism promotion
Finalisation of tourism strategy Need for inter-departmental coordination

15 Strategic thrusts Need for linkages between projects and actions in strategic development framework Thrusts: “Planned actions aimed at creating an impetus and a critical mass in the local economic environment in order to generate momentum in the local economy”

16 Development thrusts for the city of Windhoek
Trade, Investment Promotion and Business Development Manufacturing and Industrial Development SMME Development Tourism Development Skills Development Development of industrial database Infrastructure provision Competitive advantage Investment promotion Business development Trade promotion Networking SMME development by providing a conducive environment Public-private partnership Capacity building and training

17 Development thrusts for the city of Windhoek
Manufacturing and industrial development Trade, investment promotion and business development SMME development Tourism development Skills development

18 Manufacturing and industrial development
Development of industrial database Infrastructure provision: serviced land Competitive advantage: industrial survey

19 Trade, investment promotion and business development
Trade promotion Networking

20 SMME development SMME development by providing a conducive environment: regulatory environment, streamlining support, facilitating access to finance and markets, business infrastructure, provision of training and technology

21 Tourism development Public-private partnership: opportunities for interaction between LED and tourism, place marketing, awareness creation, capacity building

22 skills development Capacity building and training: LED training, guiding principles for monitoring and evaluation, review of policy documents

23 Discussion questions Assess the background and context associated with Windhoek’s local economic development (LED) strategy. State the vision and mission of the City of Windhoek. What are the roles of the City of Windhoek in LED? Assess the objectives of the LED strategy for Windhoek. Discuss the need for LED in Windhoek. What are the development thrusts associated with LED in Windhoek?

24 Open debate and discussion
The success or failure of Windhoek’s LED strategy automatically determines the state of LED throughout Namibia.

25 course evaluations and plan for remainder of semester
High ratings for teaching approach Most useful aspects of class: group presentations, class discussions, debates, lecturer corrects but does not criticise students Least useful aspects: too many assignments and lecture materials Recommendations: Reduce assignments and information overload in lectures Excursion to organisations involved in local economic development More specific examples or comparisons during presentations Lecturer must allocate marks during presentations

26 review Sub-theme Details City of Windhoek LED Strategy
Spans the period Takes into account different strategy and policy documents at national, regional and local levels Aligns with Namibia’s Vision 2030 document Context Location of Windhoek in centre of country Windhoek’s economy is not based on fishing, mining or agriculture Economy based on manufacturing, wholesale and retail Windhoek Vision and Mission Vision: “To enhance the quality of life of all our people” Mission: “To render effective and efficient municipal services” Role of City of Windhoek in LED Facilitation; promotion; creating opportunities; providing an enabling environment Objectives of LED Strategy Identify practical sectoral programmes Undertake focused analysis of major sectors Emphasise SMME development Create enabling environment and provide framework for LED implementation Emphasise city’s leadership and supportive roles Ensures alignment with existing strategies and private sector efforts The need for LED in Windhoek Accelerated manufacturing growth, expansion and diversification Trade stimulation and business development Entrepreneurial support and small business development Tourism promotion Development thrusts for the City of Windhoek Manufacturing and industrial development Trade, investment promotion and business development SMME development Tourism development Skills development

27 reference City of Windhoek. (n. d.). The City of Windhoek Local Economic Development Strategy,

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