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the an-gels pro-claimed Glo-ry to God.. on.. high..,

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Presentation on theme: "the an-gels pro-claimed Glo-ry to God.. on.. high..,"— Presentation transcript:

1 the an-gels pro-claimed Glo-ry to God.. on.. high..,
Verse 1: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT On this ho-ly night, the an-gels pro-claimed Glo-ry to God.. on.. high.., peace to men of.. good-will Now our wait is o-ver And our hope ful-filled A Sa-viour has been born, he is Christ.. the Lord

2 The glo-ry of God…. Is here Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia
Chorus: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT Re-joice, Re-joice… The glo-ry of God…. Is here A Sa-viours been born.. He is Christ the Lord God is.. with us… Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia Je-sus.. is born

3 the shep-herds re-joiced Prai-sing God on high
Verse 2: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT On this ho-ly night, the shep-herds re-joiced Prai-sing God on high Seeing Joseph and Ma-ry with child Lying in a man-ger, all wrapped in swad-ling cloths Be-hold the Ble-es-sed Christ Child Be-hold God’s word

4 The glo-ry of God…. Is here Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia
Chorus: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT Re-joice, Re-joice… The glo-ry of God…. Is here A Sa-viours been born.. He is Christ the Lord God is.. with us… Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia Je-sus.. is born

5 We bless your ho-ly name Son of God..most high…
Verse 3: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT On this ho-ly night, We bless your ho-ly name Son of God..most high… Je-sus Christ Em-ma-nu-el….. Sa-viour to our race and li-ght of.. the.. world.. We praise you God… of glo-ry We praise you King..of..Kings

6 The glo-ry of God…. Is here Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia
Chorus: ON THIS HOLY NIGHT Re-joice, Re-joice… The glo-ry of God…. Is here A Sa-viours been born.. He is Christ the Lord God is.. with us… Al-le-lu-ia…Al-le-lu-ia Je-sus.. is born

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