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First CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes, May 2002

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2 First CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes, 13 -16 May 2002
Session 1: Certification of aerodromes Session 2: Practices of some States Session 3: An Exercise in airport certification Last Day: Any other related issue(s) 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

3 ICAO Objectives Convention on International Civil Aviation:
Article 44 (states, among others): To ensure safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation globally To encourage the development of airways, airports and air navigation facilities To meet the needs of the peoples of the world for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport To promote the safety of flight in international civil aviation 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

4 States’ commitments to safety
Article 15 – Non-discriminatory use of airports by carriers of other States; Article 28 – States undertake to provide airports in accordance with international specifications for global harmonization; Article 37 – States undertake to adopt the international Standards and Recommended Practices and Procedures developed by ICAO to secure the highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, Standards and procedures. 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

5 ICAO provisions related to aerodromes
Annex 14, Volume I on aerodrome design and operations; Volume II on heliports Specifications are continuously updated to reflect the changing needs of the aviation industry Amendments 1 to 3 stem from work of ICAO Visual Aids Panel and study groups Amendment 4 covers the aerodrome certification and RFF services 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

6 Certification of Aerodromes
A THE NEED: 1. Origin of the requirement 2. Impact of airport privatisation 3. Shortcomings and Deficiencies 4. USOAP expansion activities B THE TOOLS: 1. Amendment to Annex 14. Volume I 2. New guidance material in Doc 9774 3. Other guidance material 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

7 Certification of aerodromes A: The Need
A-1: Origin of the requirement Lack of an airport certifying procedure/ guidelines for States (e.g. Macau airport) Global trend of privatisation of airports Need for seamless co-ordination globally DGCAs Conference on Global Aviation Safety Strategy -Expansion of USOAP to airports AFI-7/RAN meeting, 1997; S &D issues CAR/SAM-3/RAN Meeting, 1999; S & D issues 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

8 Certification of aerodromes A: The Need
A-2: Impact of privatisation of airports Positive aspects of privatisation Other aspects of privatisation States responsibilities under the Convention Ensure safe, regular and efficient air transport system within their sovereign territories Articles 28 and 37 of the Convention Safety and quality assurance to the travelling public 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

9 Certification of aerodromes A: The Need
A- 4: Shortcomings and Deficiencies Impact on safety of civil aviation; Its origin AFI/RAN/7 and CAR/SAM/RAN/3 Meetings Why concern? Due to non-compliance with Annex 14, Volume I provisions Safety and security concerns of operations may not be given the highest priority 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

10 Certification of aerodromes A: The Need
A-3: ICAO USOAP expansion Preliminary activities in HQ Development of audit protocols, training material, handbook, and others What and how to audit? Yardstick for measuring/benchmarking Annex 14 implementation and compliance with other relevant ICAO Annexes Hence the need for certifying aerodromes Any questions/comments 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

11 Certification of aerodromes B: The Tools
B-1: Amendment 4 to Annex 14, Volume I - Adopted by the Council in March 2001 and became applicable from 1 November Its development - coverage of other relevant Annexes for certifying airports Protection of visual and non-visual navaids sites Co-ordination with other service providers and agencies for a seamless safe operating environment 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

12 Certification of aerodromes B: The Tools
B 1 (Cont): Amendment 4 to Annex 14, Volume I; New Section 1.3 Aerodromes open to public use to be certified as per Annex 14, Vol. I and other relevant Annexes From 27 Nov. 2003, aerodromes used for international operations to be certified (Std) States’ regulatory framework to establish the criteria for certification (Std) Submission of an aerodrome manual as part of the application;Certified aerodromes to have an SMS From 24 Nov. 2005, SMS shall be in operation.

13 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Contents Introduction Aerodrome certification regulatory system Model regulations Certification procedure Regulatory authority Details to be included in an aerodrome manual Safety management system Sample forms 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

14 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Aerodrome certification regulatory system: Prerequisites – legislation and organization Basic aviation law – authorize establishment of the CAA; adoption of regulations, empower DGCA to issue, transfer, refuse or cancel certificates etc. Main elements of regulations – certification criteria, procedure, safety audits, sanctions for violations Implementation – adequate budget; CAA staffing and training. 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

15 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Model regulations: General explanation of the intent of certification Submission of application & aerodrome manual Assessing applicant’s capability and adequacy of the airport infrastructure Aerodrome operator’s obligations Validity of a certificate Endorsement of conditions of operation Surrender/transfer/revocation of certificate Exemptions, if any 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

16 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Aerodrome certification procedure: Certification procedure to ensure full compliance with the State regulations The Process – assessment of applicant’s capability, the adequacy of the facilities and services by on-site inspection and verification by qualified inspectors, acceptance/approval of the aerodrome manual submitted by the applicant Issue/transfer/revoke the certificate as appropriate Notification of the aerodrome’s certified status in the AIP 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

17 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Main components of an Aerodrome Manual are: A General Section explaining the purpose and scope of the manual Administrative details of the operator Information on aerodrome facilities Information on aerodrome services Aerodrome operating plans, procedures and safety measures Safety Management systems 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

18 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
General Section to include: A copy of the aerodrome certificate The signature page to authenticate the information submitted in the manual A foreword explaining the contents briefly Amendment monitoring and recording page and The Table of Contents 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

19 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Administrative details to include: Name(s) of the aerodrome owner and operator The operating conditions (day only or night also, VFR/IFR) Critical aircraft operating Airport operations e.g. utilisation of primary RWY, SIRO, helicopter activity etc. Operating limitations, if any, such as noise abatement procedures, flight restrictions over certain areas etc. 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

20 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Information on Aerodrome facilities to include: Physical characteristics of each RWY, TWY and apron individually including geographical co-ordinates, ACN/PCN values etc. Visual aids available at the aerodrome including wind direction indicators, airfield marking and lighting Obstacles limitation surfaces Non-visual Navaids 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

21 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Information on aerodrome services to include: Aerodrome rescue and fire fighting services Aerodrome emergency plan Procedures for movement area maintenance Procedures for maintenance of visual aids Apron management and safety aspects including airside vehicle movement control 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

22 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Aerodrome services (contd): Bird strike and wild life hazard reduction, control and management Obstacle control on or in the vicinity Disabled aircraft removal plan and procedure Protection of radar and navaids sites Pavement surface friction measurement, and rubber deposit removal Low visibility operations - RVR measurement and reporting 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

23 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Aerodrome operating plans and procedures: Handling of dangerous goods and hazardous materials Movement area access and control Airside inspections Foreign object damage (FOD) control Apron operational safety Aerodrome works safety Procedures for liaison with other service providers (ATS, AVSEC, MET etc.) 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

24 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Safety Management System (SMS): What is SMS? - A system for managing safety as part of the overall management objective and policy Why SMS? - To regulate airport operations and improve safety levels, esp in areas not covered by applicable ICAO or national standards and regulations How? - Existence of comprehensive technical Standards/specifications, those for SMS, their implementation and maintenance at all times 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

25 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Main elements of Safety Management System: Safety policy statement including the safety management approach and objectives Safety management strategies, its achievement, assurance and promotion Systems and procedures in place to control and manage safety of operations Safety audits and other means of measuring performance against established goals 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

26 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Safety management approach, objectives and strategy: Management commitment and encouragement towards a positive safety culture Responsibility and technical competence of key officials, priorities, compliance with applicable specifications and standards Establishing a safety reporting system Safety orientation and recurrent training Emergency response planning 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

27 B-2: Guidance material in Doc 9774 -Manual on certification of aerodromes
Development process: Validation of the contents of the manual thru’ consultation with ACI and the Task Force; Consultation with ROs; ANC adhoc WG’s review and comments; FAQs. How can we improve it? 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

28 First CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes, 13 -16 May 2002
Any further questions? THANK YOU! 1st CAR/SAM Workshop on Certification of Aerodromes Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, May 2002

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