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Teens and Distracted Driving

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1 Teens and Distracted Driving

2 DWT: Driving while texting
How many of you would consider writing a paper or watching a movie on your laptop while driving? 13% of teens admit to texting while driving. Almost 20 % of accidents in 2010 involved texting and driving.

3 DWT: Driving while texting
The average teen takes their eyes off of the road 10% of the time. That jumps to 40% when a teen is texting while driving. Texting means a 400% increase in the amount of time that your eyes are off the road.

4 DWT: Driving while texting
140% increase in lane violations while texting. Many states are now banning texting while driving. Fines are as high as $101 per text in some states.

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