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Forefront Security ISA

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Presentation on theme: "Forefront Security ISA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forefront Security ISA

2 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Agenda ISA Server 2006 What’s New What’s Improved SSO Publishing Demo Intelligent Application Gateway 2007 What is it? How does it Work? Custom Publishing Demo Seminar Name

3 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
ISA Server 2006 – Improved Exchange Publishing Support for Exchange 2007 Certificate Management Forms Based Authentication Custom Forms Multi-Language Support Authentication Enhancements Certificates, OTP, Radius, LDAP Seminar Name

4 ISA Server 2006 – New Features
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 ISA Server 2006 – New Features Single Sign On Cookie based authentication SharePoint publishing Specialised Wizard driven publishing Cross Array Link Translation Seminar Name

5 Custom FBA and Single Sign On
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Demo Custom FBA and Single Sign On Seminar Name

6 IAG 2007 The Problem The Solution VPN PPTP/L2TP IAG
Problems connecting NAT-T To much access Client Check The Solution IAG SSL/ VPN OEM Box Endpoint Security Easy connectivity

7 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
What Is IAG 2007? Generic Applications Applications Knowledge Centre OWA … ………... Citrix …….. Sharepoint . ……….... ISO7799 Corporate Governance SarbOx Basel2 Policy & Regulation Awareness Centre WHAT? COMPLIANT? Web Java/Browser Embedded Tunneling Authentication Application Aware Modules Client/Server Devices Knowledge Centre PDA ….... Linux …….. Windows . ………... MAC …..... SSL VPN Gateway Security Authorization User Experience WHO? Specific Applications High-Availability, Management, Logging, Reporting, Multiple Portals Client Exchange/ Outlook OWA WHERE? SharePoint/Portals Citrix Seminar Name

8 Integrated Solution Benefits
8/2/ :31 AM Integrated Solution Benefits Feature Area ISA Server Standalone Intelligent Application Gateway Branch Office Gateway for site-to-site connectivity and security Delivered by ISA Server Proxy / Web Cache Data center Internet access control and Web caching with full network-layer firewall Application Access Control Access Publish, secure and pre-authenticate access to specific Web services (Exchange, SharePoint) Flexible app-aware SSL VPN from any device or location Differentiated and policy-driven access to a broad range of network, server and data resources Highly granular access and security policy Customizable, identity-based Web portal experience Protect Assets Network edge protection through stateful packet inspection Application protection with advanced protocol filtering and validation Integration with enterprise infrastructure helps ensure the integrity and safety of network resources and applications Adaptable Web application firewall enforces app-specific filtering to protect apps from unmanaged PCs and networks Extensive monitoring and logging helps drive policy compliance by tracking user activity and data usage Safeguard Information Full IPsec VPN network connectivity integrated w/firewall engine for managed-PC access Strong endpoint security management and verification helps ensure endpoint health compliance and session control More granular control at the browser over users’ access to Web and non-Web resources Helps meet corporate information usage guidelines through client-side cleanup © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

9 Custom Application Publishing with IAG 2007
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Demo Custom Application Publishing with IAG 2007 Seminar Name

10 Gateway Roadmap Today Early-2007 2008
Unified Access Gateway “Longhorn” Svr-wave OEM appliances Software availability Integrated appliances with ISA Server Whale IAG Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Whale Intelligent Application Gateway * (incl. ISA Server 2004) Express Edition Enterprise Edition Application Optimizers Network Connectivity Modules NAP, IPv6, 64-bit support Consistent policy framework Broader authentication tools (ADFS, smartcard) Enhanced network connectivity Improved enterprise application support Updated software for ISA and IAG OEM-ready Continued 3rd-party application support Single-server config

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