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Decoration Mosaics.

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Presentation on theme: "Decoration Mosaics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decoration Mosaics

2 Greece-Pella mosaics Opus signinum (pebbles)

3 4th c. BCE

4 opus tesselatum –Carpet Mosaic


6 Opus Vermiculatum



9 Larva convivialis

10 Cave Canem (House of the tragic poet)

11 Sosus

12 Fayoum portrait

13 Pattern Books?

14 Copy of Lost Painting? Dioscurides of Samos Menander Synaristosai (?)

15 House of Neptune and Amphitrite


17 Decoration Furniture


19 tintinabulum

20 Atrium--Arca

21 Atrium-Lararium

22 Tablinum-gartibulum


24 Triclinium

25 Klinai

26 Other furniture

27 Basins and tubs

28 Bed

29 House of Julia Felix

30 Storage-Heculaneum-House of the Bicentenniary

31 Sculptural Decoration-Classical Sculpture ( 5th c.BCE)

32 Hellenistic Sculpture 4th- 1stc. BCE

33 Herculaneum

34 Penates Household gods

35 Manes Ancestors

36 Portraiture

37 Gardens The Peristyle

38 PEristyle


40 Wilhemina Jashemsky 1960’s and 70’s Gardens and cultivated areas= about 1/5 of total area of city.

41 House of the Golden bracelet(VI, 17, 42)

42 House of the golden Bracelet


44 House of Venus in the Shell (II.3.3)


46 Greek Herms“ the stone heap”
Syracuse expedition

47 Herms

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