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Presentation on theme: "WHY RESEARCH? THE POWER OF DATA DRIVEN ADVOCACY"— Presentation transcript:

Jackie Maffucci. Ph.D. Interim Chief Policy Officer Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

2 Data. Data. Data. I can’t make bricks without clay
Data! Data! Data! I can’t make bricks without clay! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "We've got your back"

3 Member-Driven, Data-Driven Advocacy
Programs (Assistance) Legislative Dept. Research Dept. Political Communications (Awareness) Advocacy Programs: On-the-ground and online support. RRRP and vet togethers Advocacy: Storm the Hill and campaigns Communications: informed messaging to advance the issues affecting Post 9/11 vets Major point: Use data to inform policy and use policy and find supporting data…. RD role is to ensure use data to inform policy "We've got your back"

4 Member-Driven, Data-Driven Advocacy
“Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a voice.” - Stephen Few IAVA Members Other Sources Programs: On-the-ground and online support. RRRP and vet togethers Advocacy: Storm the Hill and campaigns Communications: informed messaging to advance the issues affecting Post 9/11 vets Major point: Use data to inform policy and use policy and find supporting data…. RD role is to ensure use data to inform policy "We've got your back"

5 Informing the Nation

6 Top Issues Affecting New Veterans
Fully Recognize and Improve Services for Women Veterans Defend the Post-9/11 GI Bill Reform Government for Today’s Veterans Continue to Combat Suicide Among Our Troops "We've got your back"

7 Fully Recognize and Improve Services for Women Veterans
“ A women could not qualify for decorations I earned as an infantryman. I think that is wrong…” IAVA Member Survey Respondent "We've got your back"

8 Defend the Post-9/11 GI Bill
“The Post-9/11 GI Bill is one of the best benefits that service members have the opportunity to utilize.” IAVA Member Survey Respondent 8 "We've got your back"

9 Reform Government for Today’s Veterans
“I have frequent headaches brought on by strenuous activity. It has led to a decline in my physical health… This has been an issue only since Iraq. Before that, I was able to do anything I wanted.” IAVA Member Survey Respondent 50% rate VA care as good or very good "We've got your back"

10 Combat Suicide Among Veterans
On seeking care: “The areas around me are taxed. Each appointment I make is over a month’s wait away, and in that time I’m having extremely difficult days” IAVA Member Survey Respondent "We've got your back"

11 Combat Suicide Among Veterans
“A complete change in culture and in society’s response to the issue and compassion for those who suffer is what will really make a difference.” IAVA Member Survey Respondent "We've got your back"


13 If we have data, let’s look at the data
If we have data, let’s look at the data. If all we have our opinions, let’s take the time to uncover the data, and use them make informed decisions. Jackie Maffucci, Ph.D.

14 What You Can Do Right Now
IAVA Members, TAKE THE SURVEY!!! Non-IAVA Members, Become a member and TAKE THE SURVEY? Challenge 5 of your friends to do the same!!!


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