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Francis Drake By Natania & Shiv.

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Presentation on theme: "Francis Drake By Natania & Shiv."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francis Drake By Natania & Shiv

2 Introduction Francis was born in 1543 and died in 1596
Is a famous English seaman Born in Devonshire, England Spent most of his life raiding Spanish possessions often as a pirate Had 12 siblings Died of dysentery

3 Journey Sailed on a ship called “The Golden Hind” Crew size of 150 men
Ship was 75 ft. long and weighed 100 tons Had 12 cannons

4 Purpose of Journey To look for the Northwest Passage
Main reason was plunder

5 Challenges He and his crew were attacked by local people in the island of Mocha Drake was wounded by an arrow in that attack.

6 Historical Contributions
Discovered that the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are joined Claimed a land near what is now San Francisco for England First Englishman to sail around the world


8 Question: How much money were his treasures worth altogether when he returned to England?
B: $ A B

9 Correct! Answer A Returned to Plymouth with a million dollars worth of treasure!

10 Incorrect! Answer B Returned to Plymouth with a million dollars worth of treasure

11 Cool Facts -Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I.
-Drake became mayor of Plymouth. -Drake beheaded one of his good friends, Thomas Doughty, because Drake suspected him of planning a mutiny.

12 References Neal, Grant.” The Great Atlas of Discovery” .Canada: McClellan and Stewart Inc., Print Gibbs, Gary G. "Drake, Sir Francis." World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 24 April 2010 Greenblatt, Miriam. “Elizabeth I and Tudor England.” New York: Benchmark Books, Print No Author Found. “ Sir Francis Drake”. Elizabeth Era, March 20, Web. April 26, 2010. No Author Found. “ Sir Francis Drake English Explorer”. Concord Learning Systems, n.d.. Web. April 26, 2010.

13 Thank You For watching!

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