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Sharks BY Aiden.

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1 Sharks BY Aiden

2 Shark facts Sharks are a fish Sharks have no bones
They live in evrey ocean.And live in some lake and some rivers. There are more then 350 different sharks.

3 Goblin shark facts There snout is long,flat,and really pointed.
They swim really slow. There snout is long,flat,and really pointed. Has 5 gill slits,2 dorsal fines,no fin spine fin. Can grow up to 11 feet 3.3 m long

4 Spined pxgmy shark Its one of the smallest shark.
It weighs 7 to 8 inches and 18 to 21 cm long eats squid, shrimp pand mid water fish.It There upper teeth are narrow and small.

5 Spiney dogfish shark It mostly eats fish. There teeth are posines.
It is a small shark. They grow to 3 to 4 feet m long.

6 Basking shark Can grow up to 33 feet 10cm long.
And it is called the sunfish shark. And the bone shark. And the elephant shark.

7 Bull shark facts It has a short snout. IT’S BELLY IS OFF WHITE.
Its top surface is gray. And the eyes are small.

8 Diagram of a shark FIRST DORSAL FIN GILL SLITS Caudal fin EYES TEETH
Pectoral fin

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