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Paragraph response Answer the following question in your notebook in paragraph form. ( 5-6 sentences) On June 6, 1944 3,000 American soldiers lost their.

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Presentation on theme: "Paragraph response Answer the following question in your notebook in paragraph form. ( 5-6 sentences) On June 6, 1944 3,000 American soldiers lost their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paragraph response Answer the following question in your notebook in paragraph form. ( 5-6 sentences) On June 6, ,000 American soldiers lost their lives when the allied forces invaded the beaches of Normandy. The purpose was to liberate Europe and stop the Nazis. Analyze how much America had to sacrifice to be the World’s hero on D-Day. Ideas to help you write: Evaluate whether or not America was a hero on D-Day Identify ways that Americans sacrificed in order to stop Hitler and with on D-Day After WWII, how do you think Europeans felt towards the U.S.? Does America deserve those feelings?

2 World History Agenda 4/07/17
Warm up #5 Lecture #5 D Day Primary source: Eisenhower’s Letter Paragraph response

3 Warm up #5 Think of heroes like Superman or Captain America.
What are the qualities of (describe) a hero? 2. What actions make someone a Hero? 3. Do you feel America is a Heroic country? Explain. Sentence Starters : 1.The qualities of a hero are being brave, selfless, bold, (add 2 more qualities)… 2. A person is a hero when they… 3. In my opinion, America is/is not a Heroic country because______

4 Europe June 6, 1944 Why did America sacrifice 3,000 soldiers on D-day?
Lecture #5: D-Day Europe June 6, 1944 Why did America sacrifice 3,000 soldiers on D-day? FLT Given lecture, Students will detail how much America sacrificed during D- day, by answering reading comprehension questions based on a letter from Dwight Eisenhower, the commander/General in charge of D-Day.

5 American principles/Ideals
Principles- Fundamental truths of your beliefs. What is a key principal of America that we all share? Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Ideal- What you believe things should be like. An American ideal is Equality. Has this always been true? American principles/ideals Freedom and democracy, opportunity for immigrants, pursuit of happiness. How have these principles and ideals been denied to Europeans living under Nazi Rule.

6 D-Day Battle to Liberate Europe from Nazi control LARGEST Air, Sea, and Land Invasion ever.
D-day – France is occupied by Ger. (June 6, 1944) largest amphibious assault in history Normandy – 175,000 troops land on a 60 mile beach Utah, Omaha Beach – US troops land (3000 die 1st day at Omaha beach) Those who died were buried there Think of the pain and suffering Hitler has caused (Invading Poland, Battle of Brittan, North Africa, Attacking the USSR, Holocaust.) Were the 3,000 American lives lost worth the chance of stopping Hitler? why did Allies win at D-Day? What are some reasons for their success? US industry – not hurt during WWII, could make everything needed Allied Bombing – US and England were bombing Germany daily (bombed German industry)

7 D-Day video 3:17

8 Beginning of The End Battle of the Bulge – Germany’s last effort to win war, 76,000 allied troops died, but allies win. After battle of the Bulge Allied troops discover concentration camps… Victory Europe (VE Day) – May 8, 1945 (War in Europe over) Race for Berlin – Allies race to Berlin to try to get there before the Soviets (afraid Stalin will take over Eastern Europe) Soviets capture Poland, Czech. , Eastern Europe and Berlin (Stalin does not want to give this land up) What type of government would Stalin want to establish in these countries? Berlin falls May 2, 1945 April 12, 1945 president FDR dies, Pres. Truman – takes over April 30, 1945 Hitler kills himself. Do you blame Hitler or the German people for starting WWII?

9 General Eisenhower’s message

10 Annotating Eisenhower’s Letter
Directions Scan the letter and Scan for any words you don’t know and circle them. Box the Key terms Read the letter and underline any important information Answer the Questions on the back Word wall Striven – Tried really hard Fronts – Location of the war Triumphs – Accomplishments Capacity – ability Overwhelming – Too much to handle Superiority – Better Munitions – weapons Key Terms Allied Expeditionary Forces – Britain, USA, Canada Nazi – Germany Home fronts – Back home in USA Dwight Eisenhower – Lead General of the Allied Forces United Nations - Allies

11 Paragraph response Answer the following question in your notebook in paragraph form. ( 5-6 sentences) On June 6, ,000 American soldiers lost their lives when the allied forces invaded the beaches of Normandy. The purpose was to liberate Europe and stop the Nazis. Analyze how much America had to sacrifice to be the World’s hero on D-Day. Ideas to help you write: Evaluate whether or not America was a hero on D-Day Identify ways that Americans sacrificed in order to stop Hitler and with on D-Day After WWII, how do you think Europeans felt towards the U.S.? Does America deserve those feelings?

12 Question 1 1. In the first paragraph, how does General Eisenhower motivate his troops to fight on D- day? Who are they fighting for? Who is the enemy?

13 Question 1 1. In the first paragraph, how does General Eisenhower motivate his troops to fight on D- day? Who are they fighting for? Who is the enemy? General Eisenhower motivates the troops by telling them how brave they are, reminding them they are fighting for the entire world, and directs their anger at the oppressive actions of the Nazis.

14 Question 2 2. In the second paragraph, how does Eisenhower describe the enemy? Do you agree with him?

15 Question 2 2. In the second paragraph, how does Eisenhower describe the enemy? Do you agree with him? General Eisenhower describes the enemy as well equipped savages. Yes, I agree because Germany savagely bombed civilians during the battle of Britain.

16 Question 3 3. In the third paragraph, list the three reasons why Eisenhower believes the allies will be successful on D-day.

17 Question 3 3. In the third paragraph, list the three reasons why Eisenhower believes the allies will be successful on D-day. 1. United Nations have won many key battles 2. Air Power has greatly weakened Germany 3. Home fronts in America have provided lots of weapons

18 Question 4 4. Do you believe these soldiers died an honorable death? Meaning do you believe the 3000 soldiers who died, gave their lives for a good reason? Explain why or why not?

19 Question 4 4. Do you believe these soldiers died an honorable death? Meaning do you believe the 3000 soldiers who died, gave their lives for a good reason? Explain why or why not? Yes, I believe these soldiers died an honorable death, because according to Eisenhower’s letter the soldiers were fighting to protect the world from evil Nazis who oppress the countries they invade.

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