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13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral

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2 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral
NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Public = reported via the IPP (International Phytosanitary Portal:

3 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral
NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Bilateral = reported in direct communication between countries (reporting on the IPP encouraged but optional)

4 NRO General and Specific Procedures
Adopted by CPM-11 for contracting parties to follow Based on the Convention + recommendations & inputs of the National Reporting Obligations Advisory Group Include previous CPM decisions To be found: Appendix 9 to the Report from CPM-11 NRO Guide (Annex III) As separate tables on IPP

5 NRO General and Specific Procedures
Use of electronic media Use of the IPP Pest reporting through RPPOs Priority to NRO while posting info Specific: Details on each NRO

6 NRO materials and statistics
NRO Guide 13 factsheets on each NRO 4 leaflets (benefits, consequences, contact points, networking) Tables (lists on NROs) NROs UPDATE (educational newsletter) Statistics (summary for CPM-12 and IPP live statistics)

7 Contacts IPPC Secretariat
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy Tel.: Dorota Buzon, NRO Programme Officer: Paola Sentinelli, IPPC Knowledge Manager: Websites:

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