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Professor Alan Johnson Department of HCAI & AMR

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1 The Loss of Antibiotics and its Future Impact on Hospitals and the Prevention of HCAIs
Professor Alan Johnson Department of HCAI & AMR National Infection Service Public Health England

2 Loss of antibiotics and future impact

3 Loss of antibiotics and future impact

4 In the face of widespread antibiotic use, resistant bacteria have a selective advantage
I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, “Natural Selection” Following exposure to antibiotics, resistant bacteria survive Loss of antibiotics and future impact

5 Antibiotic Discovery Loss of antibiotics and future impact

6 Intact Skin is a Barrier to Infection
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

7 Modern medicine provides new opportunities for bacteria
New entry portals Surgery/catheters/intubation Immuno-suppression Cancer Rx, transplants Survival of the unfit Vulnerable clustered in hospital Loss of antibiotics and future impact

8 Modern Medicine Depends on Effective Antibiotics
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

9 Loss of antibiotics and future impact

10 2.5 x increase in 30-day all cause mortality
3-fold increase in mortality during entire hospital stay Excess LOS of 5 days Loss of antibiotics and future impact

11 The Five Year UK AMR strategy
Overarching goal is to slow the development and spread of antibiotic resistance Three strategic aims: Improve knowledge and understanding of resistance Conserve the effectiveness of existing treatments Stimulate development of new treatments and diagnostics Loss of antibiotics and future impact

12 The Five Year UK AMR strategy
Improving infection prevention and control practices Optimising prescribing practices (stewardship) Improving professional education, training and public engagement Developing new drugs, treatments and diagnostics Better access to and use of surveillance data Better identification of research needs Strengthened international collaboration Loss of antibiotics and future impact

13 MRSA Among S. aureus Causing Bacteraemia, UK
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

14 MRSA Bacteraemia in England, 2002-2014
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

15 MRSA in Europe 2006 2014 Data from EARS-Net
Loss of antibiotics and future impact Data from EARS-Net

16 MRSA and E. coli Bacteraemia in England
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

17 Cephalosporin Resistance in E. coli from Blood (%)
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

18 Numbers of E. coli From Blood Resistant to Cephalosporins
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

19 A problem with E. coli bacteraemia…
Loss of antibiotics and future impact

20 % carbapenem resistance
Carbapenem Resistance in UK Blood Culture Isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae Pathogen % carbapenem resistance 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 E. coli 0.1 K. pneumoniae 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.3 Loss of antibiotics and future impact

21 CPE referred to PHE Data from AMRHAI Reference Unit
Loss of antibiotics and future impact Data from AMRHAI Reference Unit

22 Prudent use of antibiotics Infection control measures Active screening
Summary of ECDC Risk Assessment and Guidance for Prevention and Control of CPE Transfer of patients Prudent use of antibiotics Infection control measures Active screening Loss of antibiotics and future impact Available at:

23 The Five Year UK AMR strategy
Improving infection prevention and control practices Optimising prescribing practices (stewardship) Improving professional education, training and public engagement Developing new drugs, treatments and diagnostics Better access to and use of surveillance data Better identification of research needs Strengthened international collaboration Loss of antibiotics and future impact

24 AMR Resource Handbook Loss of antibiotics and future impact

25 AMR Resource Handbook Loss of antibiotics and future impact

26 AMR Resource Handbook Loss of antibiotics and future impact

27 Summary Modern medicine dependent on antibiotics as patients frequently have increased risk of developing infection Need to prolong the efficacy of existing antibiotics Infection prevention and control Antimicrobial stewardship Resources are available to facilitate local AMR action plans (both primary and secondary care - whole health economy) Loss of antibiotics and future impact

28 Loss of antibiotics and future impact

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